Your Final Arrangements: Why You Should Preplan Your Funeral
You’re never too young to start preparing for your funeral. It may sound morbid, but it’s a responsible way to ensure you receive the treatment you deserve. And it’s not all about you.
Funerals are both expensive and complicated. Without your input, you leave the entire burden on your grieving family.
When the cost is too much, some families can’t even afford the cost of burial or cremation. In some of the worst cases, your body might even be used as ransom by your city crematorium.
Thankfully, you can preplan a funeral far in advance. Doing so will benefit not only you and your family but also your lasting legacy. Here are five reasons why you should preplan your funeral.
1. Specify Your Funeral Arrangements
Without your guidance, your family will be left to their own devices when arranging your funeral. Many people think they can include this information on their will. But unfortunately, the will is oftentimes not found or unearthed until after the burial has already taken place.
Consider as well that you may have informed your family of your wishes. After your passing, they may have other plans in store — if they don’t outright forget.
Preplanning funerals is the safest way to ensure you are buried and remembered in the way you choose. You’ll be able to specify what to do with your body — cremation or burial — as well as where to put it to rest.
In addition to these cosmetic decisions, funeral preplanning allows you to personalize your reception. You may desire a themed funeral that reflects on your life events, achievements, or passion.
Leave these sorts of details to your family, and who knows how you’ll be remembered. A funeral is your final opportunity to say goodbye. Make sure you say farewell and leave a lasting impression in a way that’s true to you.
2. Make It Easy on the Family
Planning a funeral isn’t easy. The process is made more difficult when your entire family must come to a consensus without your guidance. Many of these hard decisions will be made during a time of mourning, while the wounds are still raw.
Your family may quarrel over the details of your funeral. Perhaps part of your family wants you to be buried in your hometown. However, the other side of the family would prefer cremation.
For these reasons, it is common for an unguided funeral to cause lasting damage to the family. When you preplan a funeral, you leave nothing up to chance. Your family won’t fight over these funeral arrangements since you’ve made your wishes known.
In general, your next of kin become responsible for your preplanned funeral arrangements. But you can put someone else in charge if you choose to do so.
3. Preplan Funerals to Handle the Expenses…
Your family can expect to pay over $11,000 in funeral costs. That’s a not an insignificant chunk of cash. Because of this, there’s a good chance your family may not be able to afford a funeral with your preferred arrangements.
And of course, we all know how much conflict can result from a group purchase.
Preplanning your funeral solves this dilemma. You pay a third-party in advance. This means you won’t push the expenses onto your family when the time comes.
However, you may choose not to pre-pay for the funeral, or to only pay for certain services. Although this isn’t ideal, this will still help your family afford your reception.
This is one big way you can make your passing easier on the family. They’ll find it easier to mourn without worrying about expensive funeral arrangements.
4. …And Get the Best Price
As far as money is concerned, making funeral arrangements in advance is ideal. Many funeral planners have guaranteed payment plans. Once you make the purchase, the price remains the same even if your funeral isn’t for another 20 years.
This is a wise investment since inflation is a given and burial plots grow in price every year. Just keep in mind that not every plan offers a price lock, so be sure to ask potential planning providers. The sooner you make arrangements for your funeral, the more you’ll save.
Since funerals happen in about a two-week span following death, your family won’t shop around. Funeral preplanning allows you to make price comparisons, which will result in even greater savings.
In addition to a great price, you can also scout out a quality funeral home director, who you know will treat your family with respect.
5. Manage Your Own Affairs
Planning your funeral may seem scary or uncomfortable. However, you’ll likely take comfort in knowing you’ve gotten your final affairs in order. Funeral preplanning is a calming way to acknowledge your mortality.
Plus, it ensures you’ll be treated to the ceremony you deserve.
Not only is it good for your peace of mind, but it’s responsible, too. As your final gift to them, your family will be happy to know you considered their emotional well-being. It leaves a final, lasting impression that lets them know you truly care.
Don’t Leave Anything Up to Chance
A death in the family is hard enough. Don’t make it even worse by leaving the big decisions and large expenses in their hands. When you preplan a funeral, you guarantee that you’ll receive the burial and arrangements you desire.
Start your search by considering where and how you’d like to be buried. Once you have some of the basics down, contact a funeral preplanning company to enlist their help.
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