You Can Do It! How to Stick to Goals in a Few Easy Steps
The new year is just around the corner, and it seems everyone is looking forward to putting this year behind them. Every turn of the year, individuals set ambitious goals for themselves with the hopes of bettering themselves in one way or another.
However, setting goals and sticking to your goals are two different stories. According to research from the University of Scranton, only 8% of people actually achieve their new year’s resolutions. That means a massive 92% of people fall short of achieving their goals.
If you would like to become a part of the 8%, keep reading and learn how to stick to goals and make 2021 your year.
1. Believe in Yourself
Above all else, you must believe in yourself to accomplish any goals. You have to realize that your goals are a direct reflection of who you want to become. If you don’t believe in yourself, how will you become that person?
Having self-belief is a necessary factor in developing self-confidence, a trait that can give individuals the assurance they have the abilities to complete a goal. Believing in yourself is the first step towards sticking to your goals and finally crossing them off the list.
2. Visualize It
Visualization can be a powerful mind tool used to narrow your focus and attract the images you seek. It can help you create a vision of your goals as they are completed while giving you the motivation you need to complete the goal.
There are several examples throughout history of people using visualization to complete and accomplish their goals. For example, Natan Sharansky was forced to spend 9 years in a USSR prison and decided to practice mental chess, visualizing himself being the world champion. After being released from prison, Natan Sharansky became the world champion chess player in 1996 after beating Garry Kasparov.
You can apply visualization to many different aspects of your life to assist with various goals. If you are having trouble sticking to your fitness goals, such as starting a weight loss program, try closing your eyes and imagining yourself putting in the hard work and crushing your goals.
3. Hold Yourself Accountable
Sometimes holding yourself accountable can give you the motivation you need to accomplish your goals. One way to get started is by setting reasonable goals and writing them down in a place that you will be constantly reminded.
By writing down your goals, you are already creating a visual of what needs to be accomplished. Then, as you complete your goals, you can cross them off, giving you a sign of achievement and motivation to keep you going. You can write down your goals – short and long term – and create daily to-do lists to watch and see yourself accomplish each one.
Learn How to Stick to Goals and Accomplish Anything
Setting goals and seeing yourself accomplish them one by one is one of the most gratifying feels in the world. Once you learn how to stick to goals, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. The more you apply yourself when it comes to your goals, the better results you will have in the end.
If you’re looking for more information about sticking to your goals, check out the rest of our website!