ArticleCity.comArticle Categories Why You Should Stop Searching for ‘Mathnasium® Near Me’ on Google

Why You Should Stop Searching for ‘Mathnasium® Near Me’ on Google

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There are many different math tutoring options available for your child. This is why you may feel overwhelmed when you start searching for the best tutoring solution for your child’s learning style, needs, and goals.

Should you try an in-center learning program? A private tutor at home?

Or what about an online or digital tutor?

While online tutoring may not have been the first idea that popped into your head, it has become an extremely popular tutoring option for students all over the world. In fact, online tutoring is projected to be valued at $120.67 billion by 2021, which is hints that the world is becoming more and more digital!

People are drawn to digital services for many different reasons, such as convenience, quality, and affordability.

Uber’s global success is an example of a digital service that became a household name because of how they transformed transportation services.

Think about what happens when you have to take a taxi:

First, it might take time to call or hail a cab.

When you’re finally in a cab, you start wondering how much the trip might actually cost you.

At every traffic stop, you grow a little more nervous and hope that the trip fare doesn’t jump by 10% or 30%.

Then, you start to also grow suspicious about whether or not the taxi driver is actually taking you the fastest route.

Finally, at the end of the ride, you have to pay whatever amount the driver tells you to pay.

It’s a painful process.

Uber was quick to address each of these concerns by giving users the ability to use an app to pick a driver, visualize the travel route, and view the final price before accepting the ride.

You get convenience and affordability, and the quality of service is never compromised!

So why not consider an online or digital tutoring program that embraces similar features?

One learning center that many parents have heard of is Mathnasium®, and some are quick to search ‘ Mathnasium near me ’ when their child starts showing signs of needing extra help in math.

For some students, Mathnasium may work. If you’re seeking a convenient and compelling alternative, then a digital math tutoring program, like Thinkster Math, can give your child the math help they need to make incredible performance improvements.

Thinkster tutors are asked a few common questions by parents who are considering Mathnasium for their child. We’ll take you through some of these questions to share more on how the two high-touch tutoring services compare.

If digital tutoring is half the cost of Mathnasium, am I compromising on the quality of math help?

This is a popular question that parents ask Thinkster tutors and the answer is no – not at all!

Thinkster parents agree with our tutors! You can check out more on their thoughts about the high quality service Thinkster provides by reading their reviews.

If you’re searching ‘ Mathnasium near me ’ near me, it may be because you are interested in a math program that gives high-touch service.

But there really is no need to travel all the way to a learning center to get high touch service!

What makes a service ‘high-touch’? You interact with someone to receive guidance and support and, as a result, develop a strong and trusting relationship with that person.

So if a tutoring program is online, does it mean your child gets less support compared to face-to-face tutoring?

With Thinkster Math – definitely not!

Thinkster Math tutor, Yvonne M., shares, “I had one parent say that ‘it feels like our tutor is with us every week in the room but she is twelve hours away from us.  This program has helped give my child the confidence to know that he can accomplish math.”’

Like Mathnasium, Thinkster Math gives high-touch service and your child will feel like they are working side-by-side with a tutor!

At Thinkster, we understand that students benefit from working with one tutor. It helps create a bond and trust, and the tutor gets to understand your child’s learning style and needs by consistently working with them.

This is why your child is matched to one Thinkster tutor that does everything for your child.

They provide assignments and daily feedback on your child’s work and monitor the learning plan closely because of this daily review.

The tutor also holds one-on-one whiteboard tutoring sessions with your child. It’s a great opportunity for your child to ask questions, practice strategies, and get homework help and test prep.

whiteboard tutoring session

Review of the daily assignments and interactions during the tutoring sessions allow the tutor to constantly customized and adjusted the learning plan based on your child’s performance, progress, and goals.

Another bonus is that Thinkster Math is a very affordable option too!

While Thinkster is very high-touch service, plans with tutoring sessions start at just $100 a month. If you want to add more tutoring sessions to your package, we sell those too! This adds extra convenience and flexibility if your child wants more interactive whiteboard tutoring with their coach.

You get immense value from Thinkster, and parents have been more than thrilled with the high quality math tutoring their kids receive!

Thinkster Math parent Sudo S. shares, “As a digital platform providing the ability for students to work on their math skills anytime and from anywhere, succeeds in blending the best of both worlds – a fun, gamified experience for the students and a real-time track report experience for the parents, along with the coaching and mentoring that adds significant value in planning the next challenge levels for the students. As a parent who is very engaged with the children along their journey to mathematical maturity, I could not have asked for more.”

As Sudo mentions, that’s another exciting feature Thinkster Math parents get – real-time reports and performance tracking!

You can easily track and visualize your child’s progress with the Dynamic Progress Matrix. When your child completes a unit test or assessment, the corresponding tested boxes on the matrix will change color based on their performance. You have visibility of all topics and progression results in each and every concept.

Thinkster also provides parents with an awesome Parent Insights App! It allows you to check your child’s performance and progress at any time. You can see many different data points, such as accuracy and time-taken, and view feedback on assignments from the coach.

Having this visibility gives you the peace of mind that your child is receiving the timely support they need to make incredible learning improvements!

Does digital tutoring really provide timely instruction and support?

Some parents find it challenging to help their kids with math. It could be because their schedules make it difficult to provide timely help or because they aren’t familiar with strategies currently being taught in the classroom.

These are two reasons parents often search for a math tutor or math learning program.

As you start to search for a math learning program for your child, you’ll want to make sure your child has easy access to math help and support the moment they need it.

If you search ‘ Mathnasium near me ’ and read reviews on the program, you’ll find that students typically visit their Mathnasium center two to three times a week. Students are placed into small groups (typically with a 3:1 ratio of student to instructor ( so that students receive individualized support within a small group setting.

When it comes to hiring a tutor, wouldn’t you prefer one-on-one instruction so that the tutor can address your child’s questions and problem-solving strategy confusion instantly?

With Thinkster Math, students work one-on-one with their tutor. This ensures the math tutor is addressing all of their questions and concerns during their highly productive and interactive tutoring session.

online math tutor

Another thing to note, just because Thinkster students meet with their tutors for live sessions once a week, it doesn’t mean they’re without math support the rest of the time!

The Thinkster tutor is involved in your child’s learning plan every day. They review all assignments and provide feedback and corrections on every incorrect question. Students can also attach comments or questions to their assignments and view video tutorials for extra guidance.

Thinkster also has a video library for their students to access at any time. All videos for every grade level are unlocked and available. This is a great resource for students if they are working on math homework, studying for a test, or need a refresher on how to solve similar problems.

Unlimited access to assignments, feedback review, and video tutorials give students the ability to receive math support anytime, anywhere!

Is digital tutoring really that convenient for me and my child?

As you start to compare digital tutoring programs, like Thinkster Math, to in-center programs like Mathnasium, you will want to consider two questions:

  1. Is there any traveling required?
  2. What are the center hours?

Mathnasium centers are typically open five days a week. Students are able to come to the center any time during their hours of operation, which is usually 3 pm to 7 pm during the school week.

While many Mathnasium centers are open four to five days a week, it is only for a small window of time in the afternoon. If you’re a working parent, it may be difficult to pick up your child and get to the center before 6 pm if the center closes at 7 pm!

Another thing that Thinkster Math advisors have heard from some parents is that traveling to the nearest center may be difficult. Some parents have said that the nearest Mathnasium is more than thirty minutes away as their town doesn’t have a center in it.

In the United States, there are currently just over 800 Mathnasium centers, and there are a handful of states that don’t have any centers!

Remember, your time is valuable!

busy schedule

Traveling to, waiting at, and traveling back home from a center affects your schedule. It also affects your child’s schedule, as they may have school homework, after-school activities, or sports.

So with this in mind, why not consider getting quality tutoring from the comfort and convenience of your home?

Digital tutoring gives you accessible and high-touch support. We already shared what Thinkster Math coaches will be doing by working with your child, but the when and how are additional bonuses!

Thinkster coaches work with you and your child to schedule the recurring tutoring sessions to ensure they are at a convenient time. If your child has a change in their schedule, you can let the coach know in advance and they will reschedule the tutoring time! They’re happy to work with you.

Your child has constant access to their unlimited Thinkster Math digital assignments. They can log into the program at any time of day to do their work. The assignment will automatically send to the coach as soon as your child completes it.

The tutoring sessions, independent assignments, and feedback review are all completed through the Thinkster app. This makes it easy for your child to navigate and have constant access to their digital tutoring program.

Thinkster Math parents also share how convenient Thinkster is for their family!

Beena J. says, “Thinkster provides excellent math tutorial services… It is very convenient also to use in my home instead of going to a tutorial center, which is more expensive.”

Michelle K. notes, “Thinkster has been so amazing. The focus is on math but our son has improved in all subjects because he has gained so much confidence from figuring out how to study properly. It’s also so convenient to do the worksheets on an iPad at home and to do the tutoring sessions on our own time rather than the store hours of a tutoring place.”

Stop searching for ‘ Mathnasium near me ’ on Google and try Thinkster Math!

As you start to look into tutoring options for your child, remember that there are many compelling alternatives to Mathnasium and other in-center learning programs.

Online and digital tutoring is an exploding industry since you can get high quality service without having to travel to a learning center.

It provides constant access to awesome content and high-touch tutoring support at an affordable cost. This combination gives students the math help they need to make amazing learning improvements.

And Thinkster Math is shaking up the digital tutoring world because of it’s high-quality support and customization!

With Thinkster, your child is matched to a dedicated tutor, who monitors and adjusts the learning plan based on your child’s daily performance. The tutor holds one-on-one interactive whiteboard tutoring sessions to give your child the support they need to understand difficult concepts or problem-solving strategies.

Your child is in extremely good hands with their Thinkster tutor. The tutor is a certified teacher, which means they are an expert with the strategies and concepts currently taught in the school classroom.

The combination of high-quality tutoring, timely support, and massive convenience have parents raving about Thinkster Math, making it a strong contender as a tutoring option for your child.

As you search for a math tutoring program for your child, what’s one of the most important features you look for?


Note: Mathnasium®  is a registered trademark of Mathnasium LLC. Thinkster Math is in no way affiliated to the same.

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