Why You Need Sales Assessment Tests in Addition to Auditions
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We’ve all encountered individuals who interview well and then turn in a lukewarm performance on the job. To reduce poor hiring decisions, sales managers need to use sales assessment tests in addition to auditions. The results of these auditions can reveal much about candidates and they can drastically cut down on bad hiring outcomes.
The Interview Performance
Sales rep candidates who excel during interviews are more common than you think. They dazzle prospective managers with their quick answers to tough questions. And in some cases, the bigger the interview panel, the better the performance.
These kinds of performances can easily influence interviewers who hold biases. Marcel Schwantes explains that some candidates will connect with an interviewer who possesses biases they aren’t aware of. Data shows that candidates who are attractive, taller and possess lower-pitched voices tend to be hired over individuals who don’t possess these qualities. The same situation holds true for managers who decide to hire a candidate because they both went to the same college or university. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do a company much good if the tall attractive sales rep who went to “SameAsYou University” isn’t out meeting with prospects.
The Audition
You’ll get a better sense of how an individual approaches work challenges by asking them to audition. For example, you might give them some information on one of your products and tell them to prepare a presentation. Pay attention to how the candidate proceeds. Do they ask questions before they put together their presentation? If they ask how many decision-makers they’ll be presenting to or if you’re unhappy with your current solution, they show promise in the area of discovery.
Some managers will deliberately give candidates vague or incorrect information in an audition assignment. This strategy helps managers determine whether candidates will go the extra mile to clear up any confusion. A candidate who doesn’t call or email to verify details may not take that step with prospects or clients, either.
Savvy candidates can also ace auditions. That’s why hiring managers should ask candidates to take a sales aptitude test. The results of these kinds of assessments can reveal behavioral and work tendencies that the candidate is either hiding or may not know they possess. For example, the SalesFuel HIRE assessment results could reveal that the candidate who interviews well also lacks hustle. When a candidate scores low in the work tendency category that measures hustle, hiring managers may want to proceed cautiously.
Contract Work
Employers may also decide to have prospective employees work temporarily or part-time before they extend an offer for a full-time position. In these situations, managers can observe how well the individual will fit into the organization. If they are hiring a customer service agent, they can measure the individual’s output. Does the person seem able to meet productivity goals? Is the person able to learn quickly on the job? Will this prospective customer service agent reflect well on the company?
The answers to some of these questions will be obvious. The candidate may be unfailingly polite and positive with customers. And they may quickly scale up to answer questions like your best customer service agents. But, why are they consistently cutting off other co-workers who are training them and providing feedback?
Sales Assessment Tests in Addition to Auditions
To answer that kind of question, you’ll need to review the outcomes of the comprehensive assessments you’ve given to your prospective new hire. Many sales assessment tests measure an individual’s sales skills or their motivational factors. Only one system actually analyzes all results in terms of potentially toxic behavior the candidate might exhibit on the job. SalesFuel HIRE will let managers know if an individual has a moderate or high risk for reacting to workplace situations in a way that will disrupt other team members or the culture in general.
An individual who appears to be inflexible and insists on doing things their own way could be a potential troublemaker. The troublemaker is one of 13 toxic behavioral types identified by SalesFuel HIRE. As we note in our e‑book, The 13 Types of Toxic Salespeople, we state, “Troublemakers are not always focused on the same goals as the team. In fact, they don’t really want to be on the team. They just want the satisfaction of being right.”
Only the hiring manager can ultimately decide if they want to risk hiring an individual with this kind of profile. If the person will operate in an environment by themselves and has a moderate assessment score for becoming a troublemaker, it might be worth the risk. It might also be safer to continue using this candidate as a contractor. If the individual ratchets up the dispute level, it will not be costly to let them go. Most importantly, the manager should be paying attention to any discord the troublemaker is causing for other team members.
The bottom line is that using sales assessment and sales hiring tests in addition to auditions will give you a complete profile of the candidates applying for your open positions.