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Why Mongolia Is the Perfect Country to Visit in 2022

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Are you planning your next travel adventure but are looking for a new fabulous travel destination in 2022 that most people haven’t tried yet? When thinking about an exciting trip, the first words that should pop into your mind are exciting and new destinations. If you want to make your trip more adventurous and memorable, consider visiting a less known country. The sights, the history and culture, the wildlife, and the people are what Mongolia will offer you. It will be the greatest outdoor experience you will ever have. Here are some of the reasons you should plan a tour of the Land of the Blue Sky.


Are Mongolia’s boarders open?  Yes. Since June 2021 the borders have been open but it hasn’t been officially announced as in other countries. However, recently the Prime Minister of Mongolia published it on the national press site Montsame. Mongolia is a safe place to visit, and it is considered one of the most exotic and safest countries in Asia. It is also one of the safest countries in the world because it has not been heavily affected by the health crisis. If you are looking for a beautiful country to travel to, Mongolia is the best choices for you.

Mongolia allows travelers from all over the world to travel and live there without restrictions or isolation requirements. This makes Mongolia one of the few countries that welcome travelers from all over. This can be incredibly beneficial for people interested in traveling on business However, all visitors must present a negative health crisis-related RT-PCR test taken within three days upon arrival. This requirement applies to all passengers, including children and infants.


If you’ve been looking for the perfect place to get away from it all, look no further than Mongolia. This vast country offers a lot of space and very few crowds, so you can relax and enjoy your time away from it all. Mongolia has lots of wide-open spaces without highways, cities or villages. But you will see a few white yurts in the green valleys and herds of sheep or cows. The total area is about 1.5 million square kilometers; however, the population is just 3.2 million people.  Mongolia is a country that is almost three times the size of France but has about a tenth of the population.


The best reason to visit Mongolia in 2022 are the unparalleled vistas. The wide-open spaces and incredible landscapes provide a unique experience, whether you’re looking to see the remote, arid steppes of the southern Gobi or the rolling grasslands of Khangai. These landscapes are unlike anything else on the globe. The country also has a plethora of mountains for climbing and trekking. For those who prefer an elevated view of Mongolia’s natural beauty, these make a perfect photographic tour. If you’re looking for a challenge, try climbing Bogd Khan Uul and experience a truly unforgettable view of Ulaanbaatar at sunset.

Here are some wide-open spaces you should visit:


If you’re looking for a vacation destination different from your usual beach resort getaway like a father and son tour, you should consider the Gobi Desert. This area offers an experience unlike any other. You can explore the unique terrain and see the beautiful scenery of the desert from all angles. Here are some reasons why you should visit this fascinating Gobi Desert:

Dinosaur fossils: The Gobi Desert has a rich history as an essential source for dinosaur fossils. In 1923, American paleontologist Roy Chapman Andrews and his team discovered the first dinosaur eggs in the region. The area has since been explored by many paleontologists and scientists who have found hundreds more dinosaur fossils such as the Velociraptor and Protoceratids. Mongolian paleontologists are still discovering new species of dinosaurs!

Extra ordinary hiking trails: The Gobi Desert offers a variety of hiking trail options for tourists to enjoy. One popular trail leads to Yoliin Am Gorge, a canyon that measures over 1,000 meters deep with a narrow river running through the bottom.

Beautiful landscapes: Stunning rock formations and a rich history that spans thousands of years provide the ultimate destination for any photographer or history buff.

Peace and Quiet: The desert is known for its sparse population and sweeping vistas, making it the ultimate place to reconnect with nature and get in touch with yourself.

Adventure: Whether you want to explore the dunes, trek through the rocky mountains, or ride a two-humped camel on the sand dunes along the oasis, there are plenty of opportunities for these adventures in the Gobi Desert.

Rolling Grasslands of Arkhangai and Uvurkhangai

Located in central Mongolia, the Khangai Mountains are a beautiful landscape of grassy plateaus and lush valleys. If you are thinking about visiting Mongolia, here are some reasons why you should add the rolling grasslands of Khangai to your list of destinations.

  • The Khangai Mountains are home to many animals, including the Siberian Ibex, deer, roe deer and the wild Przewalski’s horses. In addition, the nomads use the open spaces without fences for wild pasture, and you will see massive migrations of sheep, goats, herds of yak, horses or camels often without any herders.
  • Many ancient monasteries are scattered throughout the region with beautiful paintings and carvings dating back to the 16th century. You can visit these historical sites and learn about the way of life during this period in history.
  • There are a wide range of activities you can participate in while visiting this area, including hiking, camping, and fishing.


Bogd Khan Uul is a great place to visit for a day hike. It is located south of Ulaanbaatar. It has a great hiking trail that starts from east northern side called Tur Khurkh. It has an easy slope and can be hiked in 4 to 6 hours depending on your fitness and hiking skill level. After reaching the peak called Tsetse GÜN, you can hike down on the south, where an old temple ruin called Manzushir Monastery. From here you can drive the 50km back to the city. The park itself has a variety of trails and other attractions dedicated to those who love nature and adventure. The peak offers spectacular views of the city and some challenging climbs. There are also hiking trails that wind through forested areas where visitors can spot deer, boar and other native wildlife, especially if they’re quite enough!

Terelj National Park

Another name is Gorkhi-Terelj National Park. This is a stunningly beautiful and historically significant region in northern Mongolia. Nestled between the Orkhon Valley, Gobi Desert, and Khangai Mountains, the park is home to various plants and animals. The park’s main attraction is uniquely formed rock mountains and grassy hills. New Milestone offers tours in the Terelj National Park to the north across the Tuul river. Members of the nomadic community love to host guests enabling them to experience real Mongolian life. They organize mini Naadam festivals, wedding ceremonies and traditional Mongolian barbeques. In the same wild open place, you may see a hidden yurt resort along the river, a great choice for you.


Tour Khustai National Park is known for its unsurpassed beauty and biodiversity. Considering that a single hectare of land in the park contains more plant species than are native to the entirety of Washington D.C., it is not surprising that Khustai is a popular destination for nature lovers and scientists alike. Besides its rich flora, the park is home to several different protected species, including three animals on the Red List maintained by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The IUCN’s Red List provides information on threatened and endangered species worldwide.


Orkhon Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in central Mongolia, approximately 350 kilometers west of the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. It was the site of one of the most significant empires to come out of Asia and still contains many fortresses, tombs, and other monuments that reflect its rich history. Orkhon Valley is considered by many to be the birthplace of Mongolia’s nomadic horse culture. The Orkhon River, which runs through it, has been an important water source for many populations throughout history. Its fertile pastures have supported horses and cattle for thousands of years.

The valley has been inhabited for at least 3,000 years and was once home to Turkic nomads who established vast empires across Asia in the 6th century. They built the Karakorum on the banks of the Orkhon River in 1235 as their capital, and it became a thriving trading center between China and Europe. Later Mongolian rulers expanded the empire further into present-day China and Europe. Today many examples of these nomadic civilizations are still present in Orkhon Valley. In addition to the Karakorum, other ancient fortresses, tombs, and rock inscriptions give insight into its history.


The Altai Mountains provide a unique and beautiful landscape, full of wide vistas of grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes, and mountains, including the highest mountain that will make your Mongolia tour amazing. The mountains are located in southern Mongolia along the Altai Range, one of the most beautiful regions on earth. Many trails run throughout this vast wilderness area, so there are plenty of options when it comes time to planning your trip. There are hiking trails and off-road driving near the Potanin Glacier, White River, Baga Turgen Waterfall, Khurgan Lake and Khoton Lake.

A trip through these places is a great way to relax and enjoy nature while getting exercise at the same time. Many people feel more energized after spending some time hiking than they did before they started their trekking adventure. It’s also an excellent way to spend quality time with friends or family members who share your passion for outdoor adventure! One way to experience this is by taking a tour with Eagle Hunters. Eagle Hunters is local nomadic community who search for young eagles and train them to hunt other animals.

The Altai Mountains are home to hundreds of birds of prey, including: Golden eagles, Saker falcons and Goshawks. The majestic birds can reach up to 150 miles per hour when diving for small animals such as hares.


One of the top reasons to visit Mongolia in 2022 is to experience the people and the culture. The people are incredibly hospitable and welcoming. The local nomadic communities will welcome you into their homes and prepare delicious meals for you at any time of day, and if you’re lucky enough to be invited inside, you’ll even get a chance to be served the traditional homemade hot stone Mongolian barbeque cooked in a yurt! They don’t have much to offer in terms of modern amenities, and that’s why it’s the perfect place to visit and get out of your comfort zone.  You will experience a way of life that’s been preserved for hundreds of years.

Not Crowded by Tourists as Other South East Asian Countries

Mongolia is an ideal destination because it has not yet been overrun by tourists as other countries in the region have been. The country of Mongolia has been gaining popularity as a tourist destination in recent years until the global health crisis immerged. However, while other Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, and China have become increasingly crowded with tourists, Mongolia is still considered a unique and fresh travel destination.


Don’t be fooled by the name. The destination isn’t all about riding horses or watching wildebeest roam the savannah. Seemingly undiscovered by most tourists, Mongolia boasts a diverse landscape and world-class treasures, making it a place that should be on your list in 2022. It is truly off the “Beaten Path Place to Travel” and proudly share your photos on your social media places. With the shadow of a health crisis still looming, there’s no better time to consider a vacation to a place that’s off the beaten path. A trip to Mongolia is just the ticket!

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