Why Is Content Marketing Hogging the Attention? Here’s the Future of Print Advertising
In 2011, the number of smartphones in the US surpassed the number of people. More people are looking at their phones than reading print. Is the future of print ad campaigns dead and gone?
If you own and operate a business, you’re always thinking about the future of advertising and marketing. You need to be able to keep up with the times if you expect to succeed in the business world.
You may notice people these days talking a lot about digital marketing, SEO, and social media marketing.
While these will likely continue to be important, what about print marketing? Continue reading about print advertising and find out if it still has a future.
Print Advertising Isn’t Dead!
Here’s a spoiler: print marketing will remain alive so long as there remains a physical customer presence. Many experts will tell you print marketing still holds incredible value alongside your digital marketing campaign.
Even with the advent of computers, mobile phones, tablets, and virtual reality, even young people have an affinity for paper.
The Permanent Nature of Print
Digital content is fleeting. When you design your digital marketing campaign, you need to think about constant updates to your internet content.
This is true for your blog and various social media platforms.
Print on paper carries an inherent feel of permanence. In a digital world, it can feel like information comes and goes with a moment’s notice.
Think about ancient collections of books. With proper care, print has the potential to last forever.
While this is true of the digital, digital information is quickly lost beneath mountains of information.
Entice Customers to an Online Experience
So far as we can tell, the best way to think about print advertising is as a complement to your digital brand. For example, you might consider getting customized stickers with your social media links printed across it.
You can use your print ads to encourage potential customers to interact with your brand on an online platform.
Will Print Disappear Forever?
Of course, there is an anxiety about the future of print as a medium. Books, magazines, and newspapers face a certain uncertainty.
It follows print advertising may soon lose traction.
Soon, our augmented realities may overlay our present physicality. Print may soon disappear from the collective memory of humanity.
Sound a bit like a science fiction dystopia? Already, we are seeing digital information integrate with reality in real time.
The future of technology and its implications are still vague. One thing is certain, though. The future of print and print marketing is uncertain.
Live in the Present
Although the future of print and marketing are uncertain, you and your business should continue to live in the present. For now, print advertising remains a valuable asset in your marketing campaign.
Print can be a great complement to your digital marketing campaign as you build your brand.
Always stay up to date on the business world and find out what works and what doesn’t. To find more advice on marketing and business, visit our marketing section.