What’s Coming Next in Programmatic TV Advertising?
Now, more than ever, consumers expect personalization. The same goes for getting personalized with programmatic tv.
Outside of media, one of many signs is how popular subscription boxes are. The often custom boxes are for every buyer out there, ranging from things basic to extra. Options range from razors to wine, exotic sweets to tailored suits, and so many more.
Advertising has realized we must jump on the personalization bandwagon to stay relevant. The solution is clear: Programmatic TV is the best way to do it.
To many of us, programmatic ads still feel new, but most that are around today have been popular since the early 2010s. In fact, programmatic ads are common enough to rank as TV’s top advertising method.
There’s a good reason it still feels so fresh. Programmatic advertising is still the marketing industry’s biggest rising strategy.
It’s not the absolute newest technology, but it’s not old news yet by any means. There’s a lot of money to make, so it’s an exciting time to be using programmatic advertising!
As new technologies keep popping up and wowing business- and laypeople alike, programmatic ads keep up to an impressive degree.
Read on and learn what’s in store for the future of programmatic TV.
Types of Programmatic TV Ads
So, what is programmatic TV? In short, it’s a term for automated television marketing based on viewer data.
Programmatic advertising is a category covering a growing number of automated advertising strategies. Here’s more information about a few current options:
Addressable Programmatic TV Advertising
Addressable advertising lets different ads play for many viewers who are watching a program at the same time. This way, airtime isn’t wasted showing ads to viewers who don’t want to watch them. They might not even care about the brands to begin with!
Over the past decade, top advertisers learned few people bother watching ads for brands they don’t care about—even if the product is quality and ads for it are interesting and well-made.
Personal data collection determines who gets which of any number of advertisements for a brand or product.
Advertisers can collect this data using a variety of methods. Traditional data collection companies, like Nielsen, use voluntary viewer sampling for years to achieve the goal.
Programmatic personalized ads replace that strategy with automated digital tracking. Viewers aren’t recruited for this—they don’t need to think about data collection at all.
Some traditional TV companies use this kind of programmatic advertising now too, in an attempt to increase viewership.
Connected Television (CTV)
We’ve seen it coming since TiVO, way back in the day: Viewers don’t want constrictive cable anymore. These days, more and more people want to watch whatever they want, whenever they want. Connected TV lets them do that.
Not everyone knows the term “connected television” in reference to internet-connected streaming devices. Some examples are smart TVs, streaming sticks (like a Roku or Fire Stick), computers, and phones.
Even if you aren’t familiar with CTV as a category, you almost definitely know the biggest devices and industry competitors. Netflix and Hulu are a couple among many others.
The industry term for these streaming services is “OTT” or “over the top” TV. You don’t have to subscribe to cable companies to watch—you go over their heads.
Voice-Activated Advertising
Whether watching TV on mobile or wired devices, many viewers now do their searches by voice.
When viewers voice search, programmatic advertising software analyzes what they say. Their information and keywords help brands target them and others in similar demographics.
Voice searches are usually associated with mobile phones, but Apple, Amazon, and Google’s iconic voice assistants work on the giants’ streaming devices, too.
New Developments
The list you read above is nowhere near complete. Programmatic TV is making progress every day, and its developments are on marketing’s cutting edge.
We can’t exactly predict what’s not invented yet, but here are some newer programmatic TV advertising strategies you can expect to keep growing in the next few years:
Dynamic Personalization
Dynamic personalization is customization taken to new heights. Personalization is nothing new: The “dynamic” part is what has the pros talking.
Advertising software combines data collected by other sites and software that viewers use with their real-time viewing habits to improve reach.
With more information about viewers’ habits and lives, a brand can show various ads to viewers at different times based on things like location, weather, or anything else an advertiser decides to target.
In other words, dynamic personalized ads are programmatic ads that rotate automatically. By targeting viewers with live data collection, ads are more likely to capture audiences.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence is booming in every field. It’s rare these days to go a day without hearing about it, whatever field you’re in. Advertising is no exception.
AI and neural networks are in their early stages, but are already becoming marketing essentials. AI shows researchers how human brains process ads, generating data easy to use for technological development.
Whether you’re thrilled or furious, you’ve probably heard something about the rise of 5G wireless technology.
Over the last few years, wireless brands rapidly expanded the scope of 5G (5th generation) wireless networks. Now, 5G is available across the planet.
5G wireless is faster than any wireless network before it and is set to dominate the wireless scene soon. When browsing on 5G, images and videos, including but not limited to ads, load faster. As a result, viewers streaming see advertisements than they would on another network.
Marketers’ hope is that potential customers streaming on 5G won’t be as likely to click away from ads.
Why Is Programmatic Advertising so Popular?
Reflected by the shift to zippy 5G, today’s economy is fast and keeps speeding up, especially in tech. We’re prepared: Programmatic advertising targets viewers faster than any human advertiser could.
Thankfully, though, we’re not yet to the point where human marketers become redundant. We probably won’t be for quite some time—if ever.
It’s true that algorithms help meet viewer demand for new, relevant ad content in ways that we can’t. Still, TV advertisers can rest assured: There isn’t any software to replace a creative mind.
These are two main reasons why programmatic ads are replacing other TV marketing:
Traditional Advertising Isn’t Cutting It Anymore
More people are switching from cable TV to connected and other nontraditional, OTT forms of television. The number of people who have never used cable TV at all is rising, too. CTV is so big, in fact, that the death of cable TV is growing closer every day, according to industry experts.
It’s clear marketers and clients aren’t getting the best returns with traditional ads.
It’s not just that people aren’t watching traditional TV. Even loyal cable viewers are becoming less interested in traditional ads that make an educated guess at best about who’s watching.
Traditional ads have always been a gamble, but they’ve never been as chancy as they are today. So, marketers are turning to fine-tuned programmatic advertisements instead.
Instant, Improved Reach
Programmatic TV automates buying and selling ads: advertisers don’t have to lift a finger to forward impressions straight to as many as thousands of viewers chosen through data collection.
By using programmatic TV ads, advertisers can redirect their energy to more important things.
How to Start Using Programmatic TV Ads
If you’re in the marketing industry and aren’t already using programmatic TV advertising, you probably got here looking for solutions to your advertising problems.
It should be clear after reading this what your next move is to start putting out ads that actually attract customers: You should start using programmatic advertising!
I’ve listed so many benefits of programmatic advertising in this article, but to sum it all up:
- Programmatic TV advertising is the next big thing in the field.
- Using it helps target viewers.
- It is more popular and increasingly more effective than traditional TV advertisements are.
- OTT services make programmatic ads more important than ever.
- Its reach is broader and faster than any other advertising strategy.
- New, cutting-edge developments in technology are being used and met by programmatic advertising.
To start shifting to programmatic advertising, get in touch with expert programmatic TV vendors today. Talking to the pros is the best way to start taking advantage of this great tool.
A business set up with automated advertising software has marketing improved from all angles.
Nothing can match programmatic TV’s speed, relevance, and efficacy. You won’t regret making the switch!