What is the difference between IASSC and CSSC
IASSC vs CSSC – Lean Six Sigma combines the strategies of ‘Lean’ (eliminating waste and defects) and ‘Six Sigma’ (quality and reduction of variation in a process) that provides prized analytic and process skills in which are beneficial in the effort to improve customer satisfaction and cost reduction, the efficiency and quality of the financial services processes as well as to lead revenue growth and productivity improvements. Receiving a certification under Lean Six Sigma is a great way to improve your capabilities as a leader in your organization as it helps in renovating your business processes, giving an advantage above the competition, providing respected expansion to your resume and improving upon your problem solving and leadership ingenuity.
These advantages have attracted many across the globe to participate in the Lean Six Sigma Certification Accreditation Exams provided by the many training and certification providers. However, choosing between IASSC (International Association of Six Sigma Certification) and CSSC (Council for Six Sigma Certification) Certification Exams have become an issue for them. These two organizations may be similar in being Independent Third-Party Certification Body’s that provide accreditation certifications, and utilising the term ‘belt’ in dividing the levels of certification.; however, despite their similarities, they do have differences that can help future exam takers to determine which one is the right for them.
IASSC vs CSSC – One of the differences between these two organizations is the levels of certification they provide. For instance, IASSC offers three levels of certification: Yellow Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt with Black Belt as the highest certification level. On the other hand, CSSC offers four standard certification levels. Three of the levels are similar with IASSC which is Yellow Belt, Green Belt and Black Belt with an addition of White Belt, being the lowest certification level. In addition, contrary to IASSC, CSSC also offers advanced levels for Green Belt and Black Belt in which can only be taken under certain conditions.
Furthermore, prices for each certification level vary for both organizations that may help customers determine their choices better depending on their budget. To illustrate, IASSC offers fixed prices for each certification level with Yellow Belt costing at $195, Green Belt at $295, and Black Belt at $395. In contrast, the latest standard certification level price at CSSC has become cheaper compared to IASSC due to the limited time offer price provided by the organization. Now, the certification levels cost at $79 (Yellow Belt), $119 (Green Belt), $139 (Black Belt) and free of charge for White Belt.
Moreover, IASSC vs CSSC can be differentiated based on their exam format where customers can choose from depending on their examination format preferences, For IASSC Certification Exam, it is a closed-book and proctored examination whereas the CSSC Certification Exam is an open-book and non-timed examination. Both exams consist of only Multi Choice Questions (MCQ) and True/False questions based on each level’s ‘Body of Knowledge’. Each level of certification for each organization has different number of questions. For example, examinees taking the IASSC exam will need to answer 60 graded plus 6 non-graded questions within 2 hours (Yellow Belt), 100 graded plus 10 non-graded questions within 3 hours (Green Belt), and 150 graded plus 15 non-graded questions within 4 hours (Black Belt). Contrarily, those taking the CSSC exam will need to answer 30 questions (White Belt), 50 questions (Yellow Belt), 100 questions (Green Belt), and 150 questions (Black Belt).
Identically, the passing score for both IASSC and CSSC exams is 70% and both organizations do not demand for any prerequisite and project requirement from those who would like to take the standard exams.Not only that, both exams can be taken either online or through traditional pen-and-paper method in designated testing centres. Additionally, the number of attempts for both exams also differs in which IASSC provides only 1 attempt for each customer where they need to pay for the exam fee for each time they want to re-sit it. However, the CSSC exam gives customers 3 attempts to pass the exam within 12 months before needing to pay the exam fee again to re-sit it. Both IASSC vs CSSC have different certification expiry dates in which IASSC have a three-year period for its customer’s certificate validation, while CSSC offers no expiry date for achieved certification.
While IASSC does not provide training for customers, they do have accredited training and certification providers around the world. In contrast, CSSC does provide training and materials for customers. In addition, CSSC also offers free Self-Study Training and Materials to customers who prefer to not attend courses. In terms of accreditations offered, IASSC offers four accreditations which are IASSC Accredited Training Organization (ATO), IASSC Accredited Training Associate (ATA), IASSC Accredited Deployment Program (ADP), and IASSC Accredited Curriculum Provider (ACP). On the other hand, CSSC offers SSC Council for Six Sigma Certification.
By: Aizatul Aisyah Binti Mohd Idris
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