Were You Recently Injured? Here’s How to Know if You Need a Lawyer
Have you been injured in any way? Was the injury not your fault? If you answered yes to these questions, you may be able to file a personal injury suit.
Personal injury is a broad category, covering nearly every way you could be injured by someone else, including assault. Most personal injury cases are auto cases. Injuries in these cases occurred due to a car accident.
One of the biggest questions most people have about personal injury lawsuits is how to know when you have a case and need a lawyer. There are actually a few different ways to tell. We’ll talk more about them in the paragraphs below.
1. You were Seriously Injured
How do you know when you’ve been seriously injured? There’s not one specific definition, but the best legal answer involves hospital visits, long-term medical care, or long-lasting trauma and psychological issues.
Essentially, it means that the injury was bad enough to make you visit a doctor at least twice for treatment. The definition is vague so it can cover any type of injury. Plus, if you have been seriously injured, chances are you’ve noticed it.
2. Liability is Clear
You may need a lawyer if the case seems to be open-and-shut. This may sound like the worst time to get a lawyer since there’s not much point in arguing guilt, but it’s actually one of the best.
If you can prove that someone else was at fault for your injuries, it means you have a case and may want to hire a lawyer. If the other party can prove you were at fault, it means they have a case, and you may need a lawyer.
Some lawyers specialize in specific types of injury cases. For instance, if you slip on ice on somebody else’s property, you’ll want to consult a slip and fall lawyer.
3. Liability is Not Clear
Even if it’s not clear who’s at fault, it’s a good idea to go see a lawyer. Since lawyers have studied the law, they’re more likely to know who’s at fault.
Sometimes, there are arguments to be made on both sides, and a lawyer is better prepared to argue for your side.
4. Multiple Parties were Involved
Things get a little more complicated when multiple people are involved. In these cases, it can sometimes be hard to determine who’s at fault.
Class-action lawsuits are an example of this. Recent lawsuits include the many allegations against Bayer for selling a cancer-causing product without disclosing its dangers.
Personal Injury: When do You Need a Lawyer
It’s not always easy to establish when you need a lawyer after a personal injury, but looking at the specifics of the case is an important first step. We’ve talked about a few signs to look for in the paragraphs above, but there are many others out there. We encourage you to do more research on your own if you’re interested.
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