Water Quality Monitors
MetriNet provides a robust monitoring package of up to eight different parameters and provides reliable collection and transmission of the acquired data.
ATI has developed a completely new approach to on-line monitoring of ammonia that is far less expensive and much simpler than conventional monitoring equipment.
Chlorine (Cl2) is a natural chemical element found on earth and sea, it is widely used in many industries. ATI manufactures a range of chlorine monitoring equipment that help detect or analyse chlorine levels.
Chlorine Dioxide is a powerful oxidizing agent used for disinfection of potable water, cooling towers, and food wash water. ATI provides an economical and reliable measurement system for water quality monitoring and controlling ClO2 treatment systems.
Low-level conductivity measurements are essential for a variety of water quality monitoring. The proper operation of deionizers, reverse osmosis membranes, ion exchange systems, and heat exchangers require constant monitoring to ensure high quality production.
Dissolved Oxygen water quality monitoring is critical for aeration system process control. ATI has designed monitors that provide reliable oxygen measurements and help reduce operating costs.
Fluoride is widely added to drinking water systems to help prevent tooth decay. While control of the fluoridation process is easily handled by simple flow proportional feed, water quality monitoring of final fluoride concentrations is useful in providing an alarm in the case of overfeed problems.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an extremely strong oxidizer widely used in bleaching applications in the paper industry. ATI designed Hydrogen Peroxide Water Quality Monitors to continuously measure the concentration of H2O2 in aqueous systems.
Ozone has proven to be an extremely effective oxidant, removing organic carbon from raw water and destroying most pathogens. ATI provides an economical and reliable measurement system for water quality monitoring and controlling ozone treatment systems.
Peracetic acid (PAA) is an extremely strong oxidizer widely used in the food industry for disinfection of piping systems and processing equipment. ATI has developed an on-line water quality monitor cable of providing real time measurement of low levels of PAA in solution.
Continuous water quality monitoring of permanganate in treated water presents sensor contamination issues. ATI eliminates this problem by employing a measurement method in which the sensor never comes into contact with the sample.
Measurement and control of pH is important in a wide variety of industries. ATI’s platform represents our latest generation of monitoring and control systems providing durability, accuracy, and versatility required for virtually any pH monitoring or control application.
Sulfides can be found naturally in well water and can build up in wastewater collection systems due to anaerobic conditions frequently found there. ATI provides an improved method for measuring sulfides in solution.
ATI provides operators with a reliable tool for maintaining a small sulfite residual while reducing excess chemical consumption due to overfeed.
Monitoring suspended solids in wastewater and industrial process water can be useful for either process control or for alarming of unusual conditions. ATI provides real time monitoring of suspended solids in a variety of water and wastewater applications.
Turbidity is a general indicator of the optical clarity of water and is defined as the amount of light scattered from particles in solution. ATI’s Turbidity Water Quality Monitor is designed to meet the needs of both municipal drinking water systems and industrial water treatment for reliable, low-range turbidity measurement.
UV-254 absorption measurement has increasingly become a useful indicator of organic carbon content, providing operators with real-time information on contaminant levels.
ATI has developed a portable water quality monitoring system that can be set up quickly and easily in almost any location to provide short term data on residual chlorine, and can also include pH measurement in the same package.
ATI’s Water Quality Panel is a flexible system designed for continuous, on-line monitoring of multiple parameters in municipal water distribution systems and potable water treatment facilities.