Warning Signs of Alzheimers Disease
The medical world has come a long way in understanding and treating Alzheimer’s disease. Because it is a slow progressing illness, it is easy to miss the early signs. Additionally, it is often a difficult subject to approach, as it will be life-changing. Initially, it was believed that Alzheimer’s didn’t start until later in life. However, more recent studies show, symptoms can begin as early as in your 20’s and 30’s. Those genetically predisposed to ‘familial Alzheimers disease’ are at a higher risk of contracting the disease due to the genetic link to a parent or grandparent with the diagnosis. Adults aged 40 through 50. Regardless, as with all diseases, catching the problems early on helps with treatment. If you are looking for a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in Louisiana, we can help.
Warning Signs of Alzheimers Disease
It is always important to remember that age-related forgetfulness does not necessarily mean you or your loved one has Alzheimer’s. An example of memory loss due to age might be the inability to remember someone’s name but then recalling it a little later. Another example might be making occasional mistakes while paying bills or cooking. Some of the warning signs of Alzheimers Disease are:
- An increasing difficulty with following usual instructions; making multiple mistakes with grocery lists, finances, recipes
- Forgetting important dates; more frequently relying on lists or other people to remember things to do
- Familiar tasks become a struggle to remember; this might be forgetting how to work the microwave or how to turn the car off
- Vision problems can be age-related or are caused by cataracts. However, vision issues may be an early sign of Alzheimer’s. Typical symptoms of the disease are the inability to judge distance, difficulty with motor coordination, and difficulty viewing colors.
- Another of the warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease is time passage. Not knowing the day of the week, the year we are in, or the season can all be signs of the disease. Asking the same question again and again concerning a particular date is another indicator.
- Losing things frequently and blaming others for disappearances of items.
- A person with warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease will become different in terms of personality. Differences include aggression, moodiness, being suspicious, fearful, anxious. Changes in scenery may affect this.
- Loses sense of judgment – wasting money; becoming stubborn about hygiene
- Social ques – says inappropriate things, cannot carry on a normal conversation, doesn’t finish sentences or frequently cannot remember words
- Interest declines in regular activities such as watching a football game, hobbies, reading. This is usually due to the confusion.
It may be disturbing to see a loved one exhibit these warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Luckily, the following treatment programs are available at Springfield Wellness Center to combat the effects of neurodegenerative diseases:
- Treatment for Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Alzheimer’s and Dementia Treatment
- Parkinsons Treatment Program
- Mood Disorder Treatment
Progression of Alzheimers Disease Symptoms
There are typically five stages of the illness. This varies from person to person. Stages of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms include:
- Preclinical – Only noted in research settings as no signs are yet apparent
- Mild changes in thinking or memory – doesn’t affect relationships or work
- More severe changes as dementia become a factor. Clients may experience forgetfulness, poor judgment, slight variations in personality, losing items
- Moderate dementia – Increasing problems with remembering, judgment and confusion, needing help with simple tasks, more pronounced personality changes; may begin to have ‘sundowners’ – aggression that appears around 4:00 – 5:00 in the afternoon and can last through the night if not medicated
- Severe dementia – This last stage is usually the hardest for family members. A client in this stage will often be incoherent, require round the clock personal care, be unable to eat by themselves, and may have trouble swallowing or controlling bowel movements.
There Is Hope
If you or a loved one is showing Alzheimer’s disease symptoms, it can be devastating. However, there are lots of avenues for assistance as well as support groups for caregivers. Don’t allow the facts to overwhelm you and remember that every case is different.
The warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease can be trying. Springfield Wellness Center offers a complete Alzheimer’s program to care for you or your loved ones as the disease progresses. Call us today at 844.299.6437 to ensure comprehensive care for Alzheimer’s disease symptoms.