Updating WordPress: Why You Need to Update Your Software
Originally posted on https://jonesen.com/blog/updating-wordpress-why-you-need-to-update-your-software/
Did you notice your WordPress experience has changed recently? With the “Gutenberg” version of WordPress 5.0, the entire internet is talking about updating WordPress. With all the changes, do you know who to turn to to help manage the updates on your site?
Keep reading for your guide to managed updating of your WordPress site.
If you’re wondering how to update WordPress sites, as of WordPress 3.7, automatic background updates are set to run by default for WordPress for security and translation updates. This means that security updates are pushed to your site by default without you having to do anything.
This can be a daunting task because every plugin isn’t designed to work with every other plugin. Additionally, some plugins only run with certain versions of WordPress.
The good news is thousands of software engineers are always monitoring the WordPress codebase.
As soon as a security issue is found, it’s solved and pushed to release almost immediately. By having professionals manage your updates, your WordPress installation will always be in tip-top shape.
The perennial question for business stakeholders trying to navigate the website world is, “Is WordPress secure?” The answer is “absolutely!” WordPress is actually one of the most secure environments ever built.
So why do you keep hearing about security issues in WordPress? Because the security is working! There are hundreds of millions of websites running WordPress in every conceivable configuration.
As soon as any one of those sites has a security issue, it’s like a shot heard round the world. Developers in every country immediately jump on the problem. WordPress isn’t insecure. It has the most responsive security community of any platform ever built.
You can tap into this developer community by using a managed hosting and maintenance provider. Website updating is a complex technical procedure. Don’t try to figure out or guess what combinations of plugins and updates works. Instead, find a professional who knows.
Just as there are thousands of developers monitoring the security and safety of the WordPress ecosystem, there are also thousands of hackers trying to break in. The bad guys are losing, but there are a lot of them! Don’t be a statistic: Update your software.
Updating WordPress plugins ensures you have the latest version of the product, the way the original programmers intend it. Having old software means having insecure software, and that’s not where you want to be.
The power of WordPress is its size. “There is a plugin for that!” is a saying in the WordPress community because there are tens of thousands of plugins and themes to choose from. 99% of them are great and have no problems, it’s the 1% of the time that is the problem.
Because there are so many different programmers and companies making plugins and themes for WordPress, it’s difficult for the end consumer to know how to handle the situation. That’s where managed hosting comes in.
Updating WordPress is designed to be simple, but the sheer size of the ecosystem makes it hard for the business professional to manage. Finding a real digital agency to manage your backend it the way smart stakeholders do it. Don’t get caught with a bad combination of outdated plugins and themes, get managed hosting!
When you need pro help, turn to the pros. Check out our blog for more tips on running your site with WordPress!