Understanding the Reasons for Hair Loss: 7 Common Causes
On average, men and women lose about 50 to 100 hairs every single day. This can happen when brushing and styling hair, washing it in the shower, or even when running your hands through it. It’s a normal thing for the body to lose hair in this way.
However, your hair may be behaving differently than this norm. If you’re seeing large chunks falling out of your scalp or a shift in how it grows, you may be dealing with hair loss.
It occurs in both men and women, and it can happen early or later in life. It may happen in spots, gradually, or, sometimes, at a rapid pace. There are many possible causes for this, and before you work on treating it you have to figure out why it’s happening.
Here are 7 common reasons why men and women lose hair.
1. Stress
Being stressed to the point that you’re experiencing hair loss is not the, “it’s been a long day/week” kind of stress. It’s the traumatic, “something very serious is going on” type of stress.
This may stem from a variety of things, including:
- extreme pressure at work and/or at home
- a traumatic event (car accident, violence/abuse, loss of a loved one)
- diagnosis of a serious condition
- financial stress
Your stress may be a combination of different things or it may be coming from one hard-to-face situation. Either way, it’s likely affecting your hair loss if any of the stressors above relate to you.
2. Lack of Protein
Maybe it isn’t caused by an emotional situation, but rather a physical one–like not eating enough protein.
Protein is an essential nutrient for the body, and when protein levels are down, the body will start to ration it, in a sense. It will focus on the main systems/organs that need protein. Hair doesn’t fall into that priority list, so it’s is often one of the first signs that it’s time to put more protein on your plate every day.
3. Genetics
Another cause of hair loss has nothing to do with recent events in your life or eating habits. Sometimes, it’s simply the result of genetics.
This cause is one of the hardest to combat, but luckily, it’s also one of the easiest ones to recognize and prepare for. For example, if one of your parents or both of your parents had/have issues with hair loss, you’ve likely had a feeling this would be something you’d experience in life as well.
Keep in mind that genetics can skip a generation, though. So you may be the lucky one who gets looked over, or, you may have to turn to your grandparents to see if they’ve played a role in your recent hair loss.
4. Pregnancy
Speaking of genetics, is there any chance you could be pregnant? If so, this could be the cause of your hair loss. It’s a sign of one of the many ways your hormones are changing as your body adjusts to motherhood.
This may not be what you thought pregnancy would be like, but the good news is it could mean your hair loss is only temporary. Plus, there are ways to combat hair loss even during pregnancy.
5. Thyroid Issues
While women are the only ones who could be experiencing hair-loss-causing hormone changes due to pregnancy, men and women alike may have thyroid issues—specifically, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism—to thank for their different hairdo.
When hair loss occurs because of this, it does so at an extreme rate. Thyroid issues can cause hair loss on the entire scalp. If and when it grows back, it grows thinner and more spread out.
6. Medication Side Effects
When a person is diagnosed with thyroid problems, their hair doesn’t fall out right away. It takes time for this symptom to show due to how the hair grows. However, medication from thyroid treatment can make the hair fall out sooner.
This is just one example of when treatment for one health condition can lead, or at least play into, another. Think of all the medications and treatments you’re currently on, including everything from prescription drugs to lifestyle change (such as eating less meat).
When did you start this treatment? If your loss began shortly after, a change in lifestyle or medication could be the root of your hair troubles.
7. Extreme Hairstyles
The final reason why it falls out could be that it’s overworked. Your hair is only as healthy as the products and treatments you use to keep it strong and shiny.
When you heat treat it every day or wear it in extreme styles – such as cornrows or with heavy extensions or weave-ins – your hair’s health will take a toll. Your hairline may start to move back while strands fall out all over your scalp.
Bleaching and excessive dying can cause this as well, so keep all of these things in mind the next time you go to the salon!
Solutions for Hair Loss
Understanding why it is falling out is just the first step in combatting hair loss. From there, you have to assess your treatment options for your scalp, and maybe start looking into ways to combat the cause, too. This dual approach helps ensure that your hair’s health improves while the rest of your body does as well.
As far as improvements go, you can choose between scalp micro pigmentation, hair toppers, and hair regrowth treatments to help you get your luscious locks back. To learn more about these options, click here!