Top 5 Worst Car Accidents In Crash History
There are over 6 million car accidents every year. With that many wrecks happening, some are bound to be pretty darn awful.
But just how awful do they get? Continue reading and we’ll walk you through the worst car accidents in history.
May 14, 1988
On this day, the worst bus accident in this country’s history took place. And it was on the way back from a church trip to a theme park.
The youth trip was sponsored by First Assembly of God Church in Radcliffe, KY.
At 11 pm that day, Larry Wayne Mahoney was driving his black pick-up truck while intoxicated. Larry’s car ended up hitting the bus head-on.
The crash not only disabled the bus’s door but also ruptured the gas tank. A few minutes later, the bus had become engulfed by flames.
27 of the bus’s 66 passengers died while another 34 were severely injured. Mahoney was then sentenced to jail for 16 years.
Many of the injured victims later received physical therapy for whiplash.
Shortly after, two of the mothers of crash victims went on to become the President and Vice President of Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD).
December 11, 1990
Heavy fog made it difficult to see the roads on this cold morning in Tennessee. Despite the many warning signs that were posted, I-75 soon became the home of a 70-car pile-up.
There was more than half a mile of wreckage and 13 people died. Car fires started soon after and over 30 different fire companies responded to the wreck.
Witnesses said that it sounded like an endless array of gunshots and bombs going off as one car after another drove write into the wreck.
Since then, the state government installed improved fog warning systems on the roads to make sure a pile-up like this never happens again.
November 29, 1991
Winds got so back on this Thanksgiving weekend that gusts were blowing up to 40 miles per hour. Due to a bad drought, the farmland along I-5 in California was left dry and unplanted.
The wind brought up a dangerous dust storm that severely limited the visibility on the road. This wind and dust storm culminated in an insane 104 vehicle pile-up that included cars and tractor-trailers that stretched over one mile long.
17 people died and 150 others were severely injured. Also, thousands of people were stuck in their cars for a whole other day while road crews tried to clear all the wreckage.
July 4, 1998
On what should have been a lovely Independence Day instead turned to tragedy. Kevin Chittum, along with his fiancée, 13-year-old sister, 11-year-old niece, and the niece’s two friends all got into the car to go to the local fair.
The couple’s toddler daughter also wanted to come along but there was no room left in the car.
As the car was on its way to the fair, a storm suddenly came upon them. They hit a bump and then hydroplaned across the media. There, they crashed into a tractor-trailer. Everybody involved in the crash was killed.
The Importance Of Learning About The Worst Car Accidents In History
By learning more about the worst car accidents in history, you will hopefully become a more defensive and safe driver.
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