Top 5 Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Tips
Photo from SharpStriperGuide
Originally Posted On: https://sharpstriperguide.com/top-5-lake-texoma-striper-fishing-tips/
Lake Texoma Fishing Guide Aaron Sharp shares his top 5 Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Tips and his 20 plus years of experience. Most Lake Texoma Fishing Guides will focus on the time of year to share Striper Fishing Tips, but these five recommendations will hold true 365 days of the year. We tend to fish live bait more than artificial lures, but once again, these top 5 tips will include all Striper Fishing techniques on Lake Texoma. Successful Striper Fishing on Lake Texoma has everything to do with the weather. All five tips for Lake Texoma are related to anglers analyzing the weather.
Lake Texoma water temperature can be a significant factor when fishing for Striped Bass. The optimal water temperature range is 60-68 degrees, with most Striper being caught in the 66-degree range. As the water warms up in the early Spring months, look for fish to start staging along main lake points and creek channels leading to coves and cover. As the water temperature continues to rise, Striper will move into these ledges and start suspending near the thermocline. As the Fall months approach, the fish will start moving back out to main lake points and channels. Coldwater temperatures affect the Threadfin Shad and Striper at Lake Texoma. Temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit will slow all fish species down on Lake Texoma. Live bait will be tough to catch once the water temperature drops below 60 degrees, so we switch to artificial lures.
Cold Weather Striper Fishing on Lake Texoma
Lake Texoma Striper Fishing in the cold weather months can be very successful. The key is to find the balls of shad and fish that area aggressively. Look for Birds working the open water. This blog post is not about fishing techniques, so we will stick to the top five Lake Texoma Striper fishing tips most weekend anglers miss. If you want to learn more about Striper fishing Lake Texoma during the winter, please follow Dead Sticking for Striped Bass.
Lake Texoma is a Red River impoundment on the Texas-Oklahoma border northwest of Sherman-Denison, west of U.S. 75. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ lake has a surface area of 74,686 acres and a maximum depth of 100 feet. Lake Texoma, an artificial lake created by the Denison Dam and completed in 1944. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers owns all shorelines on this historic body of water! The lake and dam have a whopping 1,250 miles of shoreline. They protect an area with more than 1 million acres under the direction of the National Park Service, which maintains concessions for hunting, fishing, and camping. Lake Texoma is the 12th largest U.S. Army Corps of Engineers impoundment in the USA. Lake Texoma is considered the Striper fishing capital of the World due to natural reproduction each Spring and state stocking programs.
Lake Texoma Wind
What does all of this have to do with the wind? Lake Texoma can turn a Striper fishing trip into a tragedy when the wind howls 15 to 35 mph. The Lake Texoma Striped Bass will bite today, tomorrow, and next week, so please postpone your trip if the wind is 20 mph! Lake Texoma Striper use the wind to school up threadfin shad all year long. Think of the wind like a river current—striper fish wind blowing into points and other structures. Windblown water will change water temperatures in the Spring and Fall. What happens when a lake turns over? We choose to keep things simple, and lake turnover is cold water moving from shallow to deep in the spring and the fall the reverse. The vital #1 tip is water temperatures and seasonal changes. Follow Lake Turnover for more information.
Water clarity is an essential factor in locating Striper on Lake Texoma. Water clarity determines how deep the Striped Bass will be on Lake Texoma year-round to a large extent. Lake Texoma is NOT a clear water fishery. The water stays murky and will become very muddy with heavy rains that blow out the Red and Washita Rivers. Striper fishing a mud line on Lake Texoma can be excellent. If you have a trip planned and heavy rains turn the lake brown, don’t cancel your plans. Striper will use the mud line and push threadfin shad into the dark water. Shad hate the muddy water, so the dark line becomes a structure that Striper uses to feed. Choose a bright color if you use artificial lures to catch Striper on Lake Texoma in muddy water. We always like banana yellow with a red tail swimbait or fluke. Try a glow-in-the-dark swimbait or slab spoon if you have a bright and sunny day and stained water. We recommend using scent for all of your lures in muddy water. If you are throwing soft plastic baits, use scent enhancers all year long.
Your air temperature plays a crucial role in Striper Fishing success on Lake Texoma. This easy common sense tip also ties into our last bit of guidance, know your Lake Texoma Fishing Seasons. August weather on Lake Texoma with hot air temperatures will send Striper deep for most of the day. Winter air temperatures keep Striper in warmer thermoclines. When we come out of winter air temperatures, look for shallow water with boulders or rip-rap stones. The sun heats the rocks, which warm the shallow water, and shad move to the heated water!
Use Google to find blog posts and articles about Lake Texoma Striper Fishing. Knowing Texoma Striper Fishing Seasons will increase your success rate for each trip. We have a blog post that covers our fishing seasons.
After 12 years of Striper fishing on Lake Texoma, I’ve learned that the key to success is understanding how weather impacts this fantastic fishery. You can’t just look at one day in isolation – you need to look at the long-term forecast and see if any significant storms are coming through during your trip. If you’re still not sure what’s going on with the weather or want a little more information about my Top 5 Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Tips, send me an email or call 580-380-5357 today!
Lake Texoma Fishing Guide Aaron Sharp has fished this famous Striper impoundment since 2002. Owner operator of sharpstriperguide.com and a full-time, year-round Lake Texoma Charter Fishing Service. He is a live-bait fishing genius and a lure guru on Lake Texoma. Arron Sharp works out of Alberta Creek Marina and is Kingston, Oklahoma’s top-rated Lake Texoma fishing guides. Sharp Striper Guide Service is fully insured and licensed to fish in Texas and Oklahoma. For more information, please follow Lake Texoma Fishing Guides.