The Wonder Of Nano CBD Cream: How It Helps And Who Can Benefit
Originally posted on https://herbalfracture.com/blog/nano-cbd-cream-how-it-helps-and-who-can-benefit/
Have you ever heard of Nano CBD cream? Read on to find out how this innovative topical CBD solution can help you with your skin issues and more.
Our bodies are fairly efficient machines. For generations, they’ve kept us safe from toxins and kept us doing incredible things. If other creatures could ponder the wonders of the human organism, they’d be jealous.
But sometimes our bodies aren’t as efficient as we need them to be. For example, the liver isn’t as discerning as it could be if it had a brain. Its job is to remove toxins and sometimes it throws the baby out with the bathwater.
When it comes to cannabidiol, the liver eliminates more beneficial parts of the medicine than it should. It’s not the liver’s fault. That’s just what it knows to do.
How then do we get all the benefits of cannabidiol? Enter Nano CBD cream: a more effective way of getting cannabidiol into your system. Here’s how it works.
Nanotechnology Isn’t Science Fiction Anymore
In 1995, the Outer Limits TV show told a cautionary tale. Nanotechnology might take over the human race via “nanobots.”
Today such a premise is incredibly laughable. Why? Because nanotechnology does not refer to tiny robots capable of controlling the human mind.
Instead, nanotechnology is everywhere. You likely have nanotechnology in your pocket right now if you’re carrying a cell phone. In some cases, nanotechnology saves lives.
The Lifestraw uses nanofilters to immediately remove bacteria and viruses from water before it hits your mouth. This kind of technology could change the way people in remote parts of the world live.
Your car might feature a nanocomposite which is stronger, lighter, and more chemically resistant than many other materials. Newer engines include nanofilters which catch corrosive airborne particles before they can reach your combustion chamber (this saves on gas mileage).
Nanotubes have been increasing the strength of various materials for years now. Some examples include tennis rackets which are much lighter and stronger than ever before or mountain bikes which can take more abuse and are easier to ride than ever.
What Exactly is Nanotechnology?
All the above seem like very different things. What is nanotechnology then?
Essentially, nanotechnology is a broad term. It’s the application of nanoscience which studies extremely small things and applies to almost all fields of science including biology (and maybe philosophy? [How many angels fit on the head of a pin?]).
The nanoscale is anything from one to one hundred nanometers. And a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter.
One billionth of a meter is hard to imagine. For reference, a sheet of paper is 100,000 nanometers thick.
Working in the science of nanotech requires the ability to see and manipulate atoms. This is why nanotechnology is a young science. Traditional microscopes can’t see atoms.
It wasn’t until 1981 that we could see individual atoms through a device called the scanning tunneling microscope. While we’ve been manipulating atoms through chemistry for centuries, it wasn’t until the last forty years that we could see and perfect what we were creating.
Now we’re able to strengthen materials and increase the effectiveness of medicines. We can circumvent some of the natural processes of the body or even enhance them through nanotechnology.
What Does Nanotechnology Have to Do With CBD?
Nanotechnology looks a little different in chemical biology than it does in physics. We’re not creating stronger materials or smaller structures. We’re distilling down or tearing apart molecules.
See, before nanotechnology, chemists relied on the biological process of metabolism to break down molecules and place them where they needed to be in the body. Often these molecules included atoms that when broken off created unwanted side-effects.
Other times, a molecule couldn’t get to where the scientist wanted it to go due to its size or complexity. The body couldn’t break it down or it couldn’t process it. Theoretically, it should do what the scientist wanted, but it was impossible due to biology or physiology.
Nanotechnology is a shortcut. It allows scientists to precisely break down molecules into their atomic parts. This allows them to either make smaller particles or create entirely new ones without relying on sheer chemistry (the mixing of chemicals or elements to create a reaction that creates new chemicals or compounds).
For cannabis-based medicine, this is a boon. It means we can take what’s in the cannabis plant and separate what we need and discard the rest.
For example, we’ve known for years that smoking things isn’t exactly the best for our lungs. And while we’ve been able to distill down THC, we’ve not been able to increase the efficiency at which we do this.
In essence, we can’t fully match the microdosing of smoking a joint. But nanotechnology might get us there.
Nano CBD is Big on Going Small
The problem with cream is that it’s a colloid. This means it’s a bunch of large particles that might absorb into the skin, but it doesn’t do it effectively.
Most creams don’t penetrate beyond the top layers of skin. They only have access to the smallest capillaries.
But take those particles and make them smaller, and you might be able to get deeper and access larger capillaries or even veins.
Nano CBD is a nanoemulsion. An emulsion is a mixture of two substances that typically don’t mix. Do this at the nano level and you’ve got medical dynamite.
What Does Nano CBD Cream Do?
Nano CBD cream makes the CBD more bioavailable. This means you get more CBD in your body through your skin.
Something akin to 90% of any cream doesn’t get into your body when you apply it. Nano-amplified CBD is more efficient than your typical CBD cream and you can use less to get more out of it.
If you’re looking for better results quickly, check out our nano tincture. Our NanoCBD Cream is coming soon!