The Ultimate Guide to Buying Blog Posts Online
Originally posted on https://www.iwriter.com/blog/buying-blog-posts-online/
It’s amazing how entrepreneurs find time to juggle the demands of owning a business, attending meetings, and hosting dinners. On top of all that, they must maintain a personal life. They are constantly on the go…so how do so many of them find the time to maintain fresh blog content?
The short answer: they buy blogs online. With such busy schedules, it makes sense for business-people to buy their content. Sure, it’s not content they have written, but the articles they publish match the tone and style of their website. For any blog to be successful, bloggers need to regularly post content. The most successful entrepreneurs do this with ease when they buy blogs.
Being consistent with output is not easy—it requires hours of writing, dedication, and hard work. How do these blog owners manage to find writers who craft engaging, quality content that boosts their SEO? They know where to buy.
You don’t need to spend all your time researching topics, finding the words, and writing SEO-rich articles. Dedicated blog writing services do that for you! This guide will cover the process of buying relevant, engaging blog articles online. We’ll talk about elements you need to consider before purchasing content from a content writing company.
Read on to learn why you should stop typing and hand over the job to a professional blog-writing service.
The Importance of Fresh, Regular Content
Before we dive into buying online blog posts, let’s touch base on the importance of posting fresh content on your site.
Search engines favor sites and blogs that post engaging content regularly. In other words, blog posts can impact your rank on search engines like Google. Search engines will rank sites that post regularly much higher than blogs that put out sparse updates of irrelevant posts.
You want to avoid getting lost in the hundreds of pages brought forward by Google page results. To do that, be sure you are regularly posting fresh, relevant, on-trend content. If you don’t, search engines overlook your site—they won’t find your site appealing or worthwhile.
Of course, you’re incredibly busy doing other things. That’s where buying blogs online comes into play. This is not to say that you need to buy all of your blog posts. If you’re itching to write something, do it! However, there are many benefits of buying from agencies that employ professional writers.
Buying Blogs Online: Factors to Consider
Blogging is a great marketing tool to draw in more traffic to your site. When you don’t have the time to write original content, you should look for someone who does.
There are dozens of options online to purchase content for your blog. However, this doesn’t mean you want to go with the first service you find. Think about your niche, your preferences, your inspirations, your budget, etc. Then find a content service that matches your needs and ethos.
Here are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you find a cost-effective, reliable service:
Search Engine Optimization
Search-optimized posts are among the best ways to drive traffic to your website. Search engines are much more likely to rank your site in the coveted #1 spot if your blogs consist of SEO-rich content. This means using specific keywords and phrases, embedding links, and using the right images and videos on your page. Here are the benefits of SEO:
- Better User Experience. Optimizing the content on your site leads to a better user experience. Users view your blog as relevant to their interests. Plus, with the right SEO, visitors will be able to navigate your page more easily.
- Higher SERP Rankings. Search engines rank your page higher if it is optimized correctly. When you rank on that top page of results, you can expect a dramatic increase in your leads, conversions, and sales.
- Increased Conversion Rates. SEO-rich content can engage your readers and familiarize them with your product. It will convey that your site is legitimate and trustworthy. In turn, the right content will directly impact your conversion rates. Quality content will turn readers into customers.
- Brand Credibility. SEO builds brand credibility. It increases the online presence of your company and gives your viewers the impression that you are one of the top authorities in your industry.
These are only some of the reasons why SEO is so important for your blog. The right blog-writing company for your site already will know all of this. They will be able to not only write your content but also know how to SEO-optimize your posts. Go for a service that knows SEO!
Pricing: Budgeting vs Quality
You likely have a budget for purchasing content for your blog—and you should! A good content writing service won’t rip you off. Instead, it will deliver quality posts with value for your money.
However, setting a budget doesn’t mean you should expect to pay very little for content. Creating great online content is an art. The best writers won’t sell their work for peanuts. These people are trained to write for digital platforms. They understand online audiences, how to make use of keyword optimization, and even marketing psychology. Understanding the work that goes into high-quality content can help you to set a realistic budget.
Don’t fall prey to the perils of cheap content. The cheaper it is, the lesser paid the writer will be. That means the less time and effort they’ll put into creating your blogs. The cheapest options will give you low-quality work and the most generic content. Is this really what you want for your company?
We recommend investing a few more bucks and watching how your business grows. High-quality content will ensure your posts are engaging to read. It will convert people to buy your product or service and rank your website higher in searches. This will bring you more revenue and generate a better return on investment. Purchasing cheap content could leave you worse off than before. Spend a little more in the first place to reap bigger rewards.
Also, bear in mind that pretty much all content creation companies let you pay by the word. The flip side of this is that the longer content you order, the more you’ll need to pay. You might be charged more if your subject matter is very niche or technical. Niche topics will require writers with specialist skills or knowledge. We recommend you ask around for some quotes from a few top sites before making your investment (Psst – have you checked out our transparent pricing at iWriter yet?).
Topics: Variety and Trends
When buying blogs online, you need to be clear on the topics for the content you’re seeking. Sure, you can give a writer free reign with what they think will work well on your site. However, you might disagree with what they think is relevant to your industry.
Many website owners make the mistake of posting too much of the same topic. This can make a blog feel repetitive. For your blog to be successful, you need to prioritize the order of your content. The top blog production companies will know how to keep tabs on your previous posts and how to create priority content first.
When hiring a writing company, consider working with them to create an editorial calendar. This is also something you can do on your own. Establish a schedule for the type of content you’ll be posting on specific days.
The benefits of an editorial calendar include:
- Creates a clear schedule or priority topics
- Lets you capitalize on trending topics
- Organizes the content output schedule for every month
- Prevents content duplication
- Tracks the type of content you already have published
Tracking your posts ensures your blog stays fresh and engaging for readers. You should be able to see at a glance what you’ve already covered and what you haven’t. You can even share your records with your writer or blog writing service.
Consistent — but Balanced — Content Output
The next points we want to cover have to do with how much content you’re purchasing, and how often you’re publishing.
Content length can impact your SEO. This isn’t just about being practical for your budget. Yes, buying a 1500 word article that could easily have been condensed into 800 words won’t help your site. However, search engines like long-form content. The actual word count that appeals to search engines changes all the time. If you’re not sure about how long a post should be, don’t be afraid to ask the pros.
Further, you do not need to blog every single day. This is a mistake some bloggers make. They post daily because they’re under the impression this is what they need to succeed.
In truth, how often you should post depends on your marketing and sales needs. We advise you to create a content schedule and buy blogs online to publish twice or three times a week. This ensures consistent, balanced updates without bombarding your readership.
Engaging, Quality Content
It’s important to always strive for the best quality content out there. Don’t fall under the impression that viewers don’t even read your entire content—you want them to read everything you have to say. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for the kind of content you’d like to request, check out this guide to choosing topics for your blog.
To ensure your articles are of the highest quality, hire a professional writing company. These agencies employ educated writers that can deliver engaging articles with perfect grammar. Agencies don’t just have teams of writers with creative flair—they employ writers who know how to home in on a fresh topic and how to create the ideal layout for a blog post.
When looking for a provider, ask to see previous writing samples. If you don’t like what you see, turn back!
On-Brand Voice
The last element we want to cover is the voice. Alongside quality writing, your blog writer needs to capture the essence and voice of your site. This requires matching the tone of your blog and being spot-on about the level of formality (or informality) you want to present to your readers.
To do this, it helps to give detailed information about your target audience to the writer. Then, they can write specifically for your target group in a way that speaks to them.
If you find a writer that really gets your niche, audience, and site—stick with them. Did you know that iWriter allows you to submit projects directly to a specific writer? Developing a rapport with a writer increases the likelihood that you’ll get the content you want every time.
Essentially, the ideal writer will be able to assess your page and mimic its tone, as well as incorporate your ideas and instructions. It takes a long time for a writer to train and get this right—leading us back to our number #1 tip: you’re more likely to find an amazing writer if you’re willing to pay for quality content!
Bonus Tip
Finally, we want to mention to consider the writer you’ve hired. When you place an order, be as specific as possible about your needs. Each writer has their own style of writing and their own ideas. Giving them detailed instructions leaves less room for mistakes or misinterpretations.
The Bottom Line:
Think of your favorite website or blog: does the owner update it all on their own? Unlikely!
People with busy lives and successful websites maintain engaging blogs not because they never sleep or are geniuses (although this IS true for many…), but because they outsource. Learning to delegate tasks to others is part of successful business management. When you pay for the help, it truly is the best way to keep all your plates spinning.Next time you’re stressing about not being able to deliver timely, fresh content, consider hiring a content writing company! Professional writers out there are waiting to take these tasks off your hands. Find out how to grow your business when you buy blogs online today.