The Pros And Cons Of Installing Glass Double-Pane Windows
To replace windows, you can expect to spend between $200 and $1,800 per window.
By using a glass replacement service, you’ll save a lot of money. If you need new glass in your windows or are considering changing from single-pane to double-pane windows, you might be curious about the differences.
Glass replacement differs from window replacement in that it doesn’t involve removing and replacing the entire window frame. With a glass replacement, you can update the glass in your windows. If the window frames aren’t broken, there’s no reason to fix them.
Let’s take a look at the differences between single-pane and double-pane windows, as well as the pros and cons of each.
Single-Pane Windows vs Double-Pane Windows
If you don’t know what kind of windows you have, the first thing to determine is what the age of the window is. The more modern the window, the greater the chance you have double-pane windows. Older homes and older windows are where single-pane windows are more common.
Single-Pane Windows
A single-pane window is exactly what it sounds like. It has a single pane of glass that makes up the window.
This type of window was everywhere until double-pane windows started getting more popular in the 1970s. While single-pane windows are cheaper than double-pane, they have no other advantages.
You can still buy single-pane windows, but their use in new homes has vanished. A lot of people who don’t think they can afford double-pane windows consider single-pane windows.
You’ll save money upfront by buying single-pane windows, but in the long term will lose big. Single-pane windows can cost you hundreds in increased energy bills.
Double-Pane Windows
Losing heat through windows accounts for 25% to 30% of temperature loss.
In the summer, the cool air is warmed through windows, and in the winter the opposite happens. Double-pane windows address this by making windows more energy efficient.
A double-pane window is constructed out of two pieces of glass, instead of one, and between them a thin layer of argon gas is injected. This provides a buffer between the outside temperature and the air inside. This improves energy efficiency and will save you money over the life of your windows.
Double-pane windows are more expensive to install than single-pane windows. The difference is not as great as you would think. If you’re just replacing the glass in your windows, the cost will be low.
Double-pane replacement up to 24 x 36 costs as low as $99 a window. That’s less than half of the lowest price to replace windows. Not only is it cheap, but you will experience the benefits of having double-pane windows.
Actual Dollars Saved
If you replace your single-pane windows with double-pane windows, you’ll save an average of $381 in the Las Vegas area every year.
This is because of the lower cost of your energy bills. Even replacing older double-pane glass with new glass, you can expect to save up to $60 a year.
The savings on energy bills will begin as soon as your new glass is installed. You’ll notice that your HVAC system has a much easier time keeping the temperature steady. This reduces the amount of wear and tear on your HVAC unit, and can even extend the life of your heating and cooling.
Sunlight Damage
The sun is constantly bombarding our world with powerful UV radiation. The same reason why we get sunburns also affects our furniture. Carpet, sofas, chairs, and even clothing left out in the sun will slowly become damaged.
Single-pane windows don’t do a good job of stopping sunlight. Double-pane windows can help to protect the inside of your house from the harsh forces outside. Replacing your single-pane with double-pane windows can save you more than just on utility bills.
Blocking Noise
Double-pane windows block more outside noise than single-pane windows. In a single-pane window, there’s no barrier between sound except for a single piece of glass. Glass vibrates easily with sound waves and allows the sound to pass into your home.
Double-pane windows provide a barrier between the sound wave and your home. They can provide significant noise reduction. This is a very good benefit if you are living in or near an area that has a lot of traffic and people.
The thicker the glass you get, the better the sound protection will be. As sound travels it loses energy, and the more material between you and it, the more you will notice the reduction. This is true in windows, doors, and walls.
Going Beyond
You may need more than just a regular glass replacement. If this is the case, you can trust us to retrofit your windows and doors. If your windows are getting old and not functioning properly, retrofitting them can ensure that you receive the energy benefits you were wanting.
A retrofit can help increase the UV protection and energy savings in older double-pane windows. It will also increase the value of your home and look far nicer. Investing in good window replacement has a lot of benefits.
A Wise Investment
Replacing the glass in your windows will not only save you money, but it will increase the value of your home. The value of the home will allow you to recoup most of your investment when you invest in better windows for your home.
Damaged windows are a big turn off to prospective buyers. If you are wanting to sell your home, you need to have your windows replaced. Replacing them with double-pane windows will increase the value even more and help you raise the asking price.
Let Us Help You
No matter what problem you’re having with your glass, Cut Rate Glass can help. Double-pane windows are safer, stronger, and better for your home than single-pane. We also repair and replace doors and the glass in them.
If you’re in the Las Vegas area, don’t struggle through another summer with high electricity bills.
Contact us today to get your glass replaced or repaired.