The Missing Thing in Google Calendar
Originally Posted On: The Missing Thing in Google Calendar – Meetric
Ahhh Google Calendar — for years we’ve been friendly to each other.
You always did a good job of showing me what’s happening throughout the day: sales calls, team catchups, board meetings, 1:1.
Each event is, usually, detailed enough to know who will be there (guest list), where it’ll be (location/video link) and why we’re meeting (description/agenda).
But there’s always been one important missing piece — the what: what ACTUALLY happened in the meeting — the key points in the conversations, the decisions made and the next steps.
Google Calendar does a good job at helping me prepare BUT it doesn’t help run and follow-up on meetings .
Case in point, any past event in Google Calendar is less visible — as in these events are LESS important now — when actually they ARE: time was spent (=money), a discussion happened, decisions were made, next steps need to happen — but Google Calendar doesn’t keep tabs on any of these things.
Past events are ‘visually’ less important in Google Calendar.
Until now!
As we’re building Meetric — a tool to have more productive meetings — we thought we should remedy this, so we built a Chrome extension, to capture notes and actions for any meetings, without leaving Google Calendar!
Our Chrome extension on the right, as a side panel in Google Calendar.The extension is simple:
- It opens as a side panel in your browser (which you can adjust).
- It asks you to sign in with your Google account the first time.
- Once signed in, click on any events in your calendar and the button ‘Take notes’ to write notes and assign actions to people for that meeting.
- Notes are automatically saved and can be found later anytime you click on ‘Take notes’ for that event.
Why do I love this? One of our users said it perfectly
Extension’s helpful to keep up the habit of good note taking and it reduces the number of windows you need to have open. Simple and easy!
And combined with our Meetric platform, there’s much more to it:
- Notes written for related events automatically show at the bottom of the side panel
— so you don’t have to wonder what was discussed in the last meeting & search through your inbox!
- Notes can be edited and read by the meeting guests in real-time
— just like Google Docs — so it becomes a collaborative exercise and the other guests can participate.
- Actions (a note with a checkbox in front of it) can be assigned to any meeting guests
, with a deadline — and if this action is not marked as done in time, we’ll automatically remind the action ‘owner’ by email.
I encourage you to check it out — it’s free and definitely will improve your relationship with your calendar — it did for me!