ArticleCity.comArticle Categories The Conception Dive Boat Lawsuit – What You Need to Know about Truth Aquatics Legal Filing to Limit Their Liability

The Conception Dive Boat Lawsuit – What You Need to Know about Truth Aquatics Legal Filing to Limit Their Liability

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Any claims that are not filed appropriately within the deadline period will be barred. 

The Owners of the dive boat CONCEPTION filed what is known as a Limitation of Liability Act lawsuit as a result of a catastrophic fire onboard. The filing by the Owners, Truth Aquatics, and others, forces all claimants to file an answer to the Limitation suit. The Court will set a deadline for the filing of claims. Truth Aquatics has requested that all claims be filed by February 1, 2020. Any claims that are not filed appropriately within the deadline period will be barred. This means that any of the crew, passengers’ families or others who suffered a loss as a result of this tragic incident must act now in order to protect themselves.

Truth Aquatics and the CONCEPTION’s owners have filed this lawsuit in an attempt to protect them from paying damages for the untimely deaths and injuries that resulted from the fire. This lawsuit is a lawsuit that has been filed in Admiralty. A suit filed in Admiralty must follow specific procedural rules in order to be valid, and, any claim filed must meet the same procedural requirements.

The crew, passengers’ families or others who suffered a loss as a result of this tragic incident must act now in order to protect themselves.

Any effected family, or crew member who was affected by this catastrophe should take immediate steps to protect their rights as a result of Truth Aquatics’ actions in attempting to avoid responsibility in this matter. One’s rights can be protected by filing a claim, and, in order to ensure that the claim is filed correctly, timely and appropriately, an experienced maritime lawyer should be consulted. An experienced maritime lawyer with experience in Limitation proceedings will be able to assist in the claims process, and in defeating Truth Aquatics’ attempts to avoid responsibility for the catastrophe.

In summary, if you have suffered a loss as a result of the CONCEPTION fire you must take actions

(1) to file an answer to Truth Aquatics’ lawsuit;
(2) file a claim in the lawsuit;
(3) do so in a timely fashion; and
(4) with the assistance of an experienced maritime lawyer, obtain and produce evidence that the owners of the CONCEPTION were negligent in their actions which caused this catastrophe, and, had knowledge of the negligence, or should have known of the negligent actions of its employees.

Stepp & Sullivan, PC is a maritime law firm, with extensive experience in Limitation Act suits, and has experience in handling thousands of claims filed in Limitation Act suits during the past 35 years, including claims from crewmembers, passengers, and bystanders.

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