The best method for marketing your rental property.
Originally posted on http://blog.trintals.com/2019/09/the-best-tool-to-market-a-rental-property/
With the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious, keeping a rental occupied is essential. Even one month of vacancy could wipe away landlord profits for an entire year.
The end goal, of course, is to get the most qualified leads in the least amount of time. With all of today’s modern advancements, it could be assumed that marketing a rental property would be easier than ever. However, many out there are discovering that’s often not the case.
When it comes to marketing the rental, it’s no surprise that relying solely on traditional methods, like displaying a sign or posting a classified ad, just doesn’t cut it anymore. Both are geographically restricted (plus, print ads can get quite pricey).
Once-popular community listing options such as Craigslist are also falling out of favor because of an increase in spam and fraudulent posts. Even platforms like Zillow or Trulia have a relatively limited reach and present a mixed bag in terms of qualified applicants.
Therein lies the beauty of Trintals.
Looking to reach the masses? Trintals has the widest reach of any of the other sites in its class. Their partner network includes the entire Realtor.com network, Zumper network, Rent Path network including sister sites Apartment Guide, Rent.com, and Rentals.com.
Looking for peace of mind? All listings are manually reviewed and vetted to prevent scammers. The Trintals platform encourages potential tenants to provide as much information as possible so owners can make an informed decision on whether or not to show the property. As a result, valuable time is saved when countless unfiltered, unqualified leads are eliminated, along with the frustration that goes along with them.
There are certainly things that property owners themselves can do to proactively put themselves in the best possible position. This includes listing at least 45-60 days in advance, understanding the local community to generate more referrals, and even incentivizing existing tenants to keep the place in showing condition. Just as importantly, they should compile a tenant checklist ahead of time to have crystal clear criteria for whom they want inhabiting their home.
But more often than not, doing all of that still requires a tool that can quickly identify the right type of tenant. And no rental marketing tool checks off more boxes than Trintals.
All of this means less hassle and more profit. Obviously.