Being a homeowner can come with its own set of unforeseen challenges that can sour the joy of home owning altogether. Once that happy feeling of getting the keys to your brand new home wears off, you suddenly realize that the burden of care is entirely on your shoulders. Those little bits and pieces of home care can often mount up, and cause a lot of headaches. In the case of pests, they can wreak havoc on your home without you even knowing what is truly going on.
Unfortunately, pests in your home are not something many people plan for. It’s far too easy to consider pests as a problem other homeowners face – could never happen to you! That kind of thinking can not only become extremely costly to your home, but also to your health.
When it comes to pest control, the best defense is almost always a good offense. Taking steps to prevent pests from entering your home, before they have the chance, is going to go a long way. If you are a new homeowner, or simply someone who wants to look after your home in general, here are a few reasons why preventative pest control is a great idea.
Termites, and other such little critters, are incredibly common in North Carolina. These little monsters have a bad habit of bringing untold devastation to the structural integrity of any home. They can chew through support beams, foundations, and other structures in your home faster than you could ever imagine possible. What’s worse, most people don’t even know the damage is being done until it’s too late.
The damage that termites can cause has the potential to cost you thousands to repair. You never want to be in a situation where you find out the structural integrity of your home has been compromised. You want to make sure that you are taking measures to stop this plague before it has the chance to start. By having an annual preventative pest control regimen, you can make sure that you never have to face this problem in the future.
It’s easy to look at a small little critter and see it as harmless. However, many pests can actually become quite dangerous to live around and be exposed to. Poisonous spiders and disease-carrying mosquitoes are just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, ants and mice can also pose a serious health risk to you and your loved ones. These kinds of pests can carry food into the walls and hiding spaces that can create hazardous mold buildup which has the potential to lead to all kinds of health issues.
By taking preventative measures, you can make sure that pests of any kind are not entering your home and given the chance to bring illness, or harm to your family. For your own safety, it’s always best to consider any pest as a potential health hazard. You never know what problems they may be bringing into your home daily.
Too often homeowners see the cost of preventative pest control and think the expense is unnecessary. However, preventative pest control will likely save you a whole lot of money in the long run. Preventative pest control is akin to an insurance policy on the future of your home. Once an infestation occurs, it can be incredibly difficult to remove. Cockroaches, mice, ants, these are all pests that can establish themselves quickly, and grow rapidly. One single pest can quickly turn into a massive problem.
Once the problem has had a chance to firmly establish itself within your home, it can be very costly to remove it. The costs of full extermination, and not to mention the cost of damage repair, can rack up fast enough to make your head spin. By having regular preventative pest treatments done, you will avoid these potentially massive bills altogether.
Your home should be a place of rest and relaxation. It should be a place to create memories, and always feel welcome. You should never have to walk into your home and feel a sinking paranoia about what might be wrong, or going on inside the walls that you cannot see. Often home owning can cause a bit of stress, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By taking the time to ensure that pests are held at bay, you can create a peace of mind that is worth more than gold.
By having regular preventative pest control treatments, you are ensuring that you can live in your home without any fear of unwanted visitors. You will take solace in the fact that your safe space is not being infringed upon by any unsavory pests that might bring you or your family, and your home, any harm in any way. Preventative pest control keeps your mind at ease and helps keep your home the peaceful and welcoming place that it should be.
We at Jay Taylor Exterminating Co. want to make sure that you never have to endure the headache, and stress that pests can cause. We have made it our mission to serve the people of Wilmington, North Carolina, by helping them take the necessary steps towards preventing the infestation of pests in every way possible. Through our regular and affordable treatments, you too can ensure that you never have to experience the feeling of an out-of-control pest problem.
We offer you annual preventative pest control plans that can help give you the peace of mind that you deserve. We work all year round to stop pests in their tracks, and keep them from taking root in your home. If you have a problem with pests, or simply want to prevent a problem from arising, contact us today at 910-790-6836. Our team of trained professionals will work with you to make sure that pests never become a problem in your home, or in your life.