The Benefits of Lifting Equipment
The construction industry has a lot of regulations put in place to help employees stay safe.
One of the best ways to ensure safety is by allowing the heavy lifting to be done by lifting equipment. I bet all of your employees would be happy to hear that the on-site heavy lifting will not be a part of their job description.
Their poor backs!
Although preventing injury should be a good enough reason to purchase lifting equipment, here are 3 other benefits of using equipment for your heavy lifting needs.
1. Improve Productivity
The time alone will be cut in half by allowing a specialized machine to lift the products that are too heavy to safely do on its own.
Using the correct lifting equipment for each task will reduce the number of cycles it would take multiple employees to complete the task on their own.
Heavy equipment repair is a painless process as well. If an employee were to get injured, it would take weeks to recover and you would have to assist in the payments due to worker’s comp.
2. It Will Save You Money
How much money do you have burning a hole in your pocket?
Probably none.
Every dime is spent on somehow evolving your business or your personal brand. (Or maybe you need every dime to keep a roof over your head).
That is normal especially in an up and down industry like construction.
One great way to save money is to replace new employees with lifting equipment. You need people to run the equipment, and the initial cost may keep you from taking the chance, but trust us, it will save you money.
Think about how much you are paying your Foreman right now for a year. Now compare that cost to the amount you would pay to purchase a particular lifting machine. How does the cost compare?
The initial cost is a lot, but it will last you several years with minimal repairs, whereas an employee will never get cheaper.
3. Evolve With The World
With the advances in technology becoming more and more prevalent, it is time to catch up with the times.
Gone are the days where men have to do EVERYTHING in order for businesses to function. Modern technology has made it possible for equipment to do hard things for us.
They were designed to make processes safer, cost-effective, and efficient overall.
Keeping up with the competition that is using this exact equipment should also be an incentive to be true competitors with them.
Make The Right Choice For You
Yes, you may feel pressured to make the switch and upgrade to lifting equipment, but it is truly going to save you from the possible disastrous situations awaiting you.
Preventing injury, improving productivity, saving your money, and catching up with competitors are all great benefits for taking the leap and buying the product.
What is standing in your way?