Starting a Cryptocurrency Blog? 5 Tips to Build Your Readership
There’s a difference between having a real audience and your mom liking every WordPress article you write about bitcoin. First of all, you’re not making any ad traffic or money off her and she’s pumping up your view numbers.
Not that we blame her, mom is only doing what she knows how to do best: support you. Whether she understands what cryptocurrency is or not.
You didn’t start your blog to talk to yourself and a few other people. You started it because you wanted to reach thousands, even millions of people. And you need help getting there.
Starting a cryptocurrency blog is like starting any other blog when it comes to building readership. Learn what people need from your blog and how to get them there in the guide below.
Starting a Cryptocurrency Blog
Before we get started, let’s talk about what running a blog entails. In essence, there are two types of blogs. One, where you blog into the void, and two, where you blog into a following and make money.
Getting from blog point 1 to blog point 2 takes a lot of strategy and effort. If you’re not willing to treat your blog like a business, you can quit reading now.
Assuming you’re still reading, that means you’re willing to put time and effort into starting a cryptocurrency blog. That’s great!
1. Do Your Keyword Research
Before you buy your domain, make sure you do your keyword research to see what niche you’re going to target.
Thankfully words (and keywords) are flexible things. You can spin most keywords to relate to your content. But if the best keyword is “cryptocurrency for college students” and you’re 43, that’s not the niche for you.
The best place to start with your basic keyword research is the competition. Or in your case, your inspiration. Which cryptocurrency blogs do you admire?
Which inspired you to make your own blog? Those are the niches you want to target.
2. Key People: Find Your Audience and Target Them
Once you’ve figured out what keywords you need to target (high search volume, low difficulty), it’s time to strategize.
What kind of people search for those terms? This is a very important step in finding more readers, called audience research. Some people also call it building an audience persona.
There are different analytical programs that will tell you what groups of people search for different keywords on the web. Find those tools and make their answers your new bible.
Every post you write should be written like you were personally targeting each person in that group.
To balance different target audiences, some people create different “personas”.
A persona is a name you give to a subgroup of your audience. Like Steve, the 35-year-old freelancer who owns less than $500 worth of cryptocurrency but would invest more if he knew how. He makes about 90k a year and likes Teslas, though he can’t afford one.
There are some really surprising and specific things you can find out about groups of people (or groups of IP addresses) with the right programs.
Start with two or three personas to start. It’s better to be very specific than too broad. You can always add more once you’ve built your key audience groups.
3. ABC
Hopefully, you know the alphabet, but in this context, ABC means always be creating content. Technically it should be ABC squared.
The average blog needs to post at least twice a week just to stay on the margins of peoples radars. You can write two posts a week, right?
And if you think you can write more than that, great. Don’t post them all at once. You’re going to need to run some tests and post your first couple posts at different times of the day.
Ask yourself which time got the most views?
Most blog and hosting sites have the ability to schedule posts, so they go live in the future. This way, if you have to go on vacation or something, you’re still delivering consistent content to your readers.
Out of sight is out of mind and you need those eyes on your site to make money.
4. Network with Others
Your blog isn’t the only cryptocurrency site on the internet (see here). And though funneling every interested person to your blog only would be nice, it’s not the reality.
Just like anything else in life, you need to make friends and influence people if you want to get ahead.
Did one of the blogs you really like write a good article? Write a synopsis and link people back to their page. You’re still getting the views and the time spent on your blog, even if you link out to other people.
Plus, that blog owner will like the free publicity. As you build relationships, you may just find they return the favor.
5. Don’t Just Network, Interact
Finally, you can interact with others on other themed blogs. You’re not going to steal the other person’s traffic forever. When you comment on blog posts, the other user can click through to your other blog.
Ask questions or reply to other people. These leads may be harder to get – but they’re worth more since you already know they’re interested in your subject.
More Readers, More Problems?
If you follow these tips and you have a good, quality-driven blog strategy, your audience will grow. And at some point, your audience will outgrow the ability of your current hosting plan.
But in reality, that may take years – and who knows, maybe you’ll be able to trade cryptocurrency for a bigger platform by then.
Did you like this guide on starting a cryptocurrency blog? Check out our other online writing themed articles here.