How to Start Your Own Solar Energy Blog
Do you have a passion for solar energy?
If so, you can easily find others online who share that passion. You can also share your wealth of information and knowledge. One way to do that is to start your own blog.
Don’t worry if you don’t know how. Keep reading for six easy tips on how to start your own solar blog.
Come Up with a Great Domain Name
There are a few good strategies to use when deciding on your domain name for your solar blog.
One strategy is to make it easy to spell. Next, make it easy to remember. It doesn’t have to contain the word solar in it.
Think about Amazon.com. There’s nothing in it that suggests it sells practically everything you need, but it is memorable.
Have fun with your domain name, but don’t make it too long.
Sign Up With a Web Hosting Company
The next step is to find a web hosting company. Make sure they can help you easily design a great looking site.
If it’s too complicated to use, you’ll probably lose interest and never end up writing your solar blog.
There are two choices when it comes to a hosting company. Some blog sites are free, while others are paid.
If you want your domain name, you’ll need to pay for your site. Paid sites are also great if you plan on monetizing your solar blog.
Choose a Color Theme for Your Solar Blog
A color theme is really important. Each color conveys a meaning.
Don’t go too crazy with your color theme. Just pick a few colors that work well with your site design.
Your blog should be eye-catching, not blinding–even if you are talking about the sun.
Find Some Great Photos
Photography helps bring more meaning to your content. It also makes it more attractive to your visitors.
You can use photo stock found on websites, or you can take and use your own photos. Your other option would be to hire a professional photographer.
Don’t overload your blog with photography, though. Also, don’t forget to create a relevant filename for your photographs. That will help improve SEO.
Start Writing Content
Content is king, especially for a blog about solar power in the Bay Area.
Write about subject matters that inform and entertain your visitors. Don’t forget to write and publish consistently.
People will keep coming back if there’s fresh content to be read. Use keywords so people and search engines can help find your blog.
Don’t be afraid to use links. They can help promote your site and set you up as an authority on your favorite subject matter.
Keep Learning
Learning how to create a great blog is a little daunting. There’s a lot of different strategies you can use.
You also need to figure out how to understand your data and analytics. This will let you know which strategies are working and which ones aren’t.
See what your competition is doing. Find sites that provide more information on writing great blogs.
To learn more, check out our recent posts about writing great blogs.