How to Start an Addiction Recovery Blog
Are you interested in writing about addiction recovery?
Have you always wanted to blog but didn’t know how to start?
Running an addiction blog is one of the best ways to get your voice out there and connect with other members of the online community. Through the process of blogging, you’ll be able to help thousands of readers on their quest for recovery.
Ready to get started? This article will give you four steps on how to start your recovery blog.
1) Choose a Blogging Platform
Before you get started producing awesome content, you’ll need to choose a blogging platform.
If this is your first blog you will want something simple and user-friendly. WordPress is a fantastic blogging platform for beginners.
WordPress has hundreds of free themes for your blog as well as a simple posting system. All you will need to do is pick a domain name, a theme, and then get to posting.
2) Give Your Readers Resources
Since you’re running a recovery blog, you’re going to want to give your readers resources to help them in their recovery.
Post blogs about things that have helped you on your journey. If there are certain habits, you have now that help you recover from your addiction than write about them in detail. You never know when something you say will resonate with one of your readers and help them on their journey.
Post links to reputable rehab centers like Recovery In Motion affordable drug rehab.
It’s important to give your readers quality resources on your recovery blog as well as telling about your personal experiences.
3) Find Your Voice
Having a unique voice is essential for writing a successful blog. With so much competing traffic, you must find your own voice to stand out.
Decide what tone you want to take on your recovery blog. Just because your blog features a serious topic like addiction doesn’t mean it can’t have humor.
You can run a humorous recovery blog or a strictly informational blog. Blending the two is also an option. Just stick to your signature voice so that your readers will get hooked on it and look forward to reading your next post.
4) Use Mixed Media
Your readers want variety in the content they read and having big blocks of uninterrupted text is bound to lose interest.
Keep your readers attention by using mixed media like pictures and videos on your blog. Create a welcome video where you tell your readers who you are and why you’re starting this blog.
Post pictures throughout the blog of your recovery process or just things you love. Bonus points if your dog is featured. The internet loves dogs, and they’ll love them on your blog too.
Go Rock That Recovery Blog
This article has given you the building blogs of creating an awesome blog.
Now it’s your job to go and pull off the execution.
Remember to be confident in yourself and believe that you have value to add to the online world through your blog!
Looking for more information on recovery? Check out our article on the first step you should take.