Should You Consider Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis?
Originally posted on https://www.essentialstemcell.com/should-you-consider-stem-cell-therapy-for-arthritis
Does joint pain and stiffness interfere with your daily activities? Do you turn down invitations because you can’t walk that far, or you hurt too much?
This may signal that you have arthritis or that your treatment is not meeting your needs. It may be time to explore different treatment options.
Stem cell therapy for arthritis may be the answer for you. Read on to learn why.
What are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are the body’s basic building material. Stem cells in the body or laboratory, under the right conditions, divide into new cells.
These cells can make new stem cells or turn into new specialized cells. They may become brain cells, blood cells, muscle cells, or heart muscle cells. No other cells in the body have this capability.
Stem cells can help to restore and repair diseased or damaged tissues in the body.
Scientists have found stems cells in the umbilical cord blood and Wharton’s Jelly. These cells are isolated in a laboratory under very stringent FDA oversight to ensure it’s availability and safety..
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
s stem cell therapy new? No, stem cell therapy for patients began decades ago.
Early on, researchers found that bone marrow contains stem cells. Stem cells were first obtained from a patient and used to treat their condition in 1957. Bone marrow transplants are often part of cancer treatment regimens today.
Stem cell therapy, or regenerative therapy, provides a way for the body to repair tissues that aren’t functioning properly due to disease or injury.
In the laboratory, stem cells receive special treatment to promote the development of desired specialized cells. The new cells are then implanted into the body to promote the healing process.
What is the Goal of Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis?
How can stem cells help arthritis? Stem cells communicate information to other cells in the body to help them grow and heal.
Arthritis describes a process of deterioration in joints. This often results from a loss of cartilage that provides cushions between bones.
Research has demonstrated the usefulness of stem cells in treating orthopedic problems. The goal of stem cell therapy for arthritis is to introduce these specialized cells that will signal the cartilage to regrow.
The ultimate goal of therapy is to relieve discomfort and restore function.
How is Stem Cell Therapy Different from Traditional Arthritis Therapy?
Today, people with arthritis have many treatment options to choose from.
Many patients with arthritis begin treatment using medications. This may include a combination of steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), biologic agents, and low dose chemotherapeutic agents.
Joint surgery is another form of traditional treatment for joints damaged by arthritis. This may involve partial or complete joint replacement.
Stem cell therapy can provide relief of arthritis symptoms by placing these specialized cells directly into the affected area. The body then works to heal itself.
What is the Difference Between Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy?
When you look for alternative forms of treatment, it may be hard to understand how they are different.
Regenerative medicine is a new area of medical science. The goal is to help patients regain function in body tissues and organs.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy uses the liquid part of your blood called plasma. Plasma carries blood cells and platelets through the body. Platelets are the main component used by the boy to heal and repair damaged tissue.
PRP uses a higher than normal level concentration of platelets that contains growth factors and plasma-derived fibrinogen. PRP helps the impaired cells to more quickly heal on their own.
The stem cells are building block cells that, when stimulated, create specific types of cells and tissues. These specialized cells are then placed into the diseased or damaged tissue to allow the body to heal itself.
How is Stem Cell Therapy Performed?
What is it like to have a stem cell procedure?
When treating arthritis, mesenchymal stem cells are the most common type of cells used. These stem cells usually come from the patient’s fat tissue, blood, or bone marrow.
Sometimes, frozen stem cells come from stem cell banks. These cells are often obtained from donated umbilical cord blood. This blood is rich in mesenchymal stem cells and is drawn from the umbilical cord after the baby is born.
When using your own bone marrow, it is usually taken from the hip bone by using a needle and syringe. You receive a local anesthetic and possibly sedation before the procedure begins.
The stem cells are injected into a specific part of the body. Physicians often use ultrasound to help place the cells in the exact location where the cartilage is damaged.
If you are already having surgery, the stem cells can be put in place during the surgery.
Immediately after your procedure, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions. It is usually best to avoid anti-inflammatory medications. You should rest the treated area for the first 24 to 48 hours.
Begin physical therapy when your doctor says it is safe to start. You can expect fluctuating pain levels for the first 1 to 2 days. Over time, that pain should decrease.
You may notice swelling in the treated area. This is normal when your immune system is carrying out the healing process.
Always call your doctor if you have questions or concerns.
Is Stem Cell Therapy Safe?
Many people have concerns about stem cell therapy. A top concern may be the safety of this treatment.
Stem cell therapy is a safe alternative to traditional treatment modalities. This is becoming a popular form of regenerative medicine.
Find Out if Stem Cell Treatment Can Help Your Arthritis
If you suffer from pain and stiffness, find help. Talk to your healthcare providers and tell them how your discomfort prevents you from taking care of yourself and interacting with others.
Consider exploring stem cell therapy if you suffer from arthritis not relieved by other forms of treatment. Don’t wait any longer, visit our website and set up a free consultation today!