Safe SMS Saved Her Life
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Originally Posted On: https://safesmsapp.com/safe-sms-saved-her-life/
Disclaimer: The following names are fictional to protect the identity of those involved.
Makayla Rickets was 19 years old when Safe SMS saved her life.
While in her first year of college, Makayla found herself in a dangerous situation, remote from her loved ones. Thrown into dorm life with little knowledge of the hazards around her, Makayla’s roommate Sam told her about Safe SMS.
Safe SMS (Status Alert For Emergency) is a four-level mobile panic button that sends safety status alert notifications to multiple trusted contacts at once. Safe SMS operates to inform up to ten contacts about the health and safety of the user. This is accomplished via pre-recorded SMS text messages and real-time GPS location.
The application provides its users with a fast and easy way to keep their loved ones informed about their safety status. Confronted with this information from her roommate Sam, Makayla download Safe SMS immediately. Before a night out, the girls added each other to their trusted contacts list. Along with Sam, Makayla added the contacts of her parents, brother, and sisters to Safe SMS.
Makayla never anticipated using Safe SMS, but after a trip to a party, the app saved her life. On her way home from a night of fun, she noticed an SUV following her home. She had noticed the car parked on the street but thought nothing of it. Now close to her dorm, she began to feel scared that the driver of the SUV was exhibiting threatening behavior.
At a red light, Makayla quickly sent a level four alert through Safe SMS. Her contacts immediately knew that she was in danger, and they were informed of her exact GPS location. Her mother, Christy, called 911 and told the operator that her daughter was in trouble. Makayla, with the knowledge that cops had been called, focused on moving into safety.
She drove past her dorm and pulled into the parking lot of a convince store. The SUV pulled right beside her, waiting for her to exit her car. Because of Safe SMS, law enforcement knew exactly where she was, and they met her in the lot. When the police searched the SUV, they found two other girls from Makayla’s campus tied up in the back seat.
The girls were rescued, and soon after, Makayla’s roommate arrived to console her. Because of Safe SMS and her $2.99 yearly subscription, Makayla Rickets avoided near death. Imagine what could have happened if her mother had never received the alert.