Regency International Beauty Pageant Announce Their Upcoming Regency International Pageant
The Regency International Pageant was originally started in 2013 by owner and International Director, Terri Dingle. The pageant offers the girls and women involved a chance to grow and build confidence and friendships.
USA, May 13, 2022 — Originally established in 2013, the Regency International Beauty Pageant was created after months of effort and research by the owner and International Director Terri Dingle. The ultimate goal of the pageant is to allow those who appreciate and enjoy beauty pageants to participate in one that focuses on elegance, etiquette, self-confidence, community service, and friendships. They’re a unique pageant that offers the opportunity for several age groups to participate, including the Tiny Miss, Petite Miss, Little Miss, Jr. Miss, Jr. Teen, Teen, Miss, Ms, Mrs, and Classic groups. Now, they’re happy to announce their Upcoming Regency International Pageant, which will be presented worldwide on July 29 and 30th, 2022.
The Regency International system has many of the same competitions as some of the other pageant systems. Still, their competitions have been updated to reflect today’s International woman’s modern style and elegance. That’s why each contestant will compete in Four categories:
- Fashion Wear: The fashion wear competition should reflect the personal style of the Delegate. The Delegate should take this opportunity to choose an outfit that is truly them. The contestant should look to project their personal style, age and personality on stage. This segment will be very much like a runway show. The fashion wear competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score.
- Interview: The Personal interview competition is the Delegate’s best opportunity to allow the judges to get to know them personally and intimately. Each Delegate will be interviewed individually and have to answer the question on various topics. They will have the opportunity to talk about themselves, current events, social issues, and personalities that affect the world today. Judges will be looking for articulate, well-spoken and confident ladies. The personal interview competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score.
- Photogenic: Regency International titleholders must possess photogenic appeal and the ability to project an image consistent with beauty and elegance. Photogenic competition is worth 25% of a contestant’s score. Among the photo requirements yare that color or photos do not have to be professional but should be of good quality and clarity. After that, judges will score the photo from 1-to 10 based on the following criteria: photogenic appeal, photo quality & clarity, the beauty of the face, personality, and grooming.
- Evening Wear: One word should describe the evening wear competition – Elegance. The evening wear competition is the contestant’s opportunity to show their style, poise and confidence. The evening wear competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score. Judges will be looking for articulate, well-spoken and confident ladies. The personal interview competition is worth 25% of the contestant’s total score.
Among other optional categories that are not mandatory, contestants will find Costume (International Pageant Only), Everyday Wear, Talent, Swimsuit and Spokesmodel. The optional contests provide more opportunities to showcase your individual interests, gain confidence, and be recognized for your talents. Each provides another opportunity for you to be crowned!
For more information about the pageant registration and FAQ, visit https://www.regencyinternationalpageant.com/ Regency International Beauty Pageant, the pageant that’s Building Confidence while developing the Personal Growth for Women all over the country!
Contact Info:
Name: Terri Dingle
Organization: Regency International Pageant
Address: 13015 Golden Rainbow Dr
Phone: 8327214872
Website: https://www.regencyinternationalpageant.com/
Originally posted On: https://syndication.cloud/regency-international-beauty-pageant-announce-their-upcoming-regency-international-pageant/