The Road to Recovery Starts with One Step
Addiction is a symptom. It means you’re missing something vital in your life. And you are filling that hole with something to replace it.
For a long time, you may not even notice you’re missing something. You’re fine filling that hole with your addiction. It works.
But after a time, things start to fall apart. The thing filling the hole suddenly came alive and wrecked your life.
This is why you’re here. This is why you’re reading this.
The thing in the hole in your life has turned into an onerous monkey clinging to your back. You need a way to dislodge it and find freedom.
But you won’t find freedom until you find what’s missing.
Recovery is about finding what’s missing and finding a way to make yourself whole again. But what’s the first step?
The First Step In Recovery
Over 23 million Americans struggle with addiction. But only 11 percent of those who struggle will find treatment or a way out.
This brings new meaning to the concept of a narrow road. And the fact that you’re reading this means you’re almost on the narrow road to recovery.
How did that 11 percent find their way to recovery? The answer is through admittance.
No, this isn’t a pun. We mean admittance as in admitting you need help.
If you feel something is wrong, but elect to go it on your own, you will surely fail.
In addiction recovery, no man is an island. And you need to change your environment completely to overcome addiction.
A study after the Vietnam War showed us why this is true.
Vietnam Study Shows That A Change Of Environment Is Paramount To Addiction Recovery
When we went to Vietnam, our soldiers became addicted to Heroin. It seemed like the drug just wouldn’t let go.
When the President found this out, he ordered that soldiers be made to “dry out” in Vietnam before they return to their homes.
The government wanted to study what happened to the soldiers when they returned home.
What they found was that when the soldiers returned home, only 5% of them returned to heroin use. This completely upturned the ideas we had about heroin abuse in the United States.
What was the conclusion of the research? First, the setting of war prompted the addiction. Second, the setting and the addiction went hand in hand.
The difference between addicts at home and addict in the war is that addicts at home got addicted at home.
Psychologically, they associated their addictions with home. And unless they changed their home environment, they would never beat their addiction.
The soldiers in the Vietnam War changed the war for their more stable home life and beat the addiction.
If you want to beat addiction, the first step is admittance. The second is to go to https://myrealrecovery.com and get help.
Kick the monkey off your back. Fill the hole in your life. Change your environment. You can change your life completely around. It’s utterly possible.
It just takes admitting you need help. Don’t wait another day. Find relief now.