Record Your Favorite Streaming Radio
Originally posted on http://blog.usave.it/record-your-favorite-streaming-radio/
Have you ever wished there was a convenient, affordable way to record radio? Thanks to uSave.it, this exactly what you can do! We offer a cloud-based service that allows you to easily and quickly record streaming radio shows you can listen to any time you wish. Think of it as DVR for your radio.
How It Works
Audio recorded through uSave.it is stored on a remote server (“in the cloud’). Your radio recordings can be retrieved anywhere at any time. You also won’t have to worry about storage capacity, system performance, or even security. With recording for personal purposes, you’ll just need to know station name or the call letters, or have the stream URL. For professional needs, we give you access to recording and storage capabilities.
Enjoy Radio On Your Time
Forget timing your daily or weekly schedule so you don’t miss your favorite radio show during it’s normal broadcast time. With radio recording, you can enjoy your favorite radio shows easily and listen to them any time you want. See our list of shows to get an idea of what radio shows you can record with our platform. What’s more, all of your recorded radio shows will be easily accessible from our handy dashboard. When recording your favorite radio shows, you’ll also be able to:
- Archive shows you know you’ll want to listen to again
- Enjoy radio programs that may not be available in your physical location
- Save radio shows you want to share with friends
Use uSave.it for Your Podcasts
You’re also welcome to use our platform to customize your podcasts or offer them for your intended audience. Your podcasts can be hosted inside of a player on your own site. Our platform also allows you to prepare and transfer your podcast content if you are either new to podcast creation or limited with your internal resources.
Taking advantage of our services for your podcasts also means you won’t have to worry about software or the need to find other resources you may need to put together a sizeable collection of podcasts. The ability to archive content also means you can amass a vast selection of podcast content without worrying about having sufficient storage capability available.
Archive and Repurpose Your Broadcast Content
If you happen to be a professional broadcaster, uSave.it can be used to archive your broadcasts and present them as podcasts or replays. We have custom player widgets you can use for this purpose.
Achieve Your Professional Goals
uSave.it is just as easy to use if you need to record audio for professional purposes. If you are in the radio business, you may need a way to conveniently log the shows you need to manage. Audio content can also be archived for internal purposes.
Stop Worrying About Software Demands
One of the biggest burdens associated with recording and presenting audio is keeping up with software obligations, technology, and demands. Our platform can literally be a great way to save time and money without the need to sacrifice on audio content quality and quantity.
This is an especially appealing benefit if you are a radio station or audio content creator not wanting to invest in audio recording software or archiving hardware. With uSave.it, your audio content can be archived and conveniently presented to your visitors with our customizable embedded player.
Reasonable Pricing
Before checking out our reasonable pricing plans, use uSave.it for free! Simply provide your email address and choose a password and you’ll have 30 days to try uSave.it.
Whether you want to record radio for your own personal use or for professional reasons, we think you’ll absolutely love uSave.it. Sign up today!