Programmatic Advertising… Do You Know How To Use It?
What you need to know about programmatic advertising and how to use it! Find out the details on programmatic advertising that can bring you the best results.
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Programmatic Advertising
The new advertising concept, Programmatic Advertising, is here to stay. It is getting more and more popular each day, especially with marketers. In 2017 over $24.7 billion was spent on programmatic ads; this number is expected to double by the end of 2022. Brands are embracing programmatic advertising and finding better ways to fine-tune their campaigns through mobile and desktop. Let’s dig into the importance of understand programmatic advertising and how it works. (7 things to know about Programmatic Advertising in 2020)
The Basics Of Programmatic Marketing
Programmatic advertising is the process of using data to connect advertisers with publishers and then to consumers. This automated system allows for the buying and selling of ad inventory, all in the blink (less than) of an eye. This technology uses artificial intelligence and RTB (real-time bidding) for ad inventory. This is done across all channels, including TV and radio and soon, billboards.
Things change and traditional display advertising is sitting backseat for now. Google is leading the charge in change towards programmatic advertising that is replacing the traditional display advertising system and its projected to just keep on growing and growing.
AI is developing at an amazing pace… algorithms can now determine a user’s behavior both online and off and can optimize ad campaigns in real-time. In today’s world data is truly king, agencies use this audience data to better target their clients customers.
Programmatic ad buying uses ad networks, ad exchanges, DMP, DSP, and SSP… understanding all the intricacies can make your head spin. A DSP (Demand Side Platform) helps with the RTB process out on the open market, while a DMP (Data Management Platform) helps to collect and analyze data so the marketer can best use this info to target the audience. The SSP (Supply Side Platform) is the publisher of the ad and supplies data back to the DSP with info like bounce rate, pages visited, and the winning bidder.
Fraudulent Traffic
Ad fraud is a huge concern with marketers. Over 1/3 of traffic is fraudulent… but there are tools and ways to single out fraudulent traffic and identify quality leads so clients get better, real traffic that will convert.
Brand Safety
Brand safety is making sure your ads appear on sites that are safe and relevant to your brand. There are brand safety tools that allow programmatic advertisers the ability to keep your ads on sites that your target audience is at.
Programmatic Advertising Benefits
Technology is improving every day for programmatic advertisers, giving you the client the upper hand when your competitors are still stuck in the ice age of marketing.
Programmatic Advertising That Helps Marketing Campaigns
- Programmatic marketing is always evolving towards better performing ads and your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and ultimately improving your ROAS.
- Programmatic advertising is one of the most cost effective ways to improve your traffic and target audience.
- The data collected helps you better understand your customer by collecting data points both online and off. You can use this data to improve your ad content.
- Scalability is key when it comes to programmatic advertising… you can now target a larger audience with less work and be more efficient at the same time.
Big Brands Use Programmatic
Proctor & Gamble use programmatic advertising to improve offline sales with their viewability rate increasing by over 63%. They were able to use the data to improve their audience reach and targeting that ultimately lead to increased sales. (check out information on OTT here)
Google the king is experimenting with new types of programmatic video and mobile ads. With programmatic allowing marketers to adjust their campaigns in real-time this new effort allows brand advertising better ROIs.
With Media Shark, you can now gain traffic insights and new data points that allow you to better understand your audience and focus your ad campaigns on new KPIs. You can now reach your target market with programmatic marketing through multiple channels. Let Media Shark help you get started on your next ad campaign.