Picking a Baby Name: 6 Tips for Indecisive Parents
Originally posted on https://momblogsociety.com/picking-a-baby-name-6-tips-for-indecisive-parents/
In the months, weeks, and days leading up to the birth of a baby, there are so many different things that expectant couples need to do. From creating a nursery for their baby to figuring out the financial toll that a baby is going to take, couples need to consider everything.
But picking a baby name should be somewhere near the top of their list! The last thing that a couple should do is wait until the last minute to figure out a name for their baby and get stuck without one when the baby arrives.
Are you and your partner struggling to choose a name for your baby? Here are six tips that will make the process a little easier for you.
1. Buy a Book Filled With Baby Names
When you first find out that you’re going to have a baby, jump online and order one of the many books that feature baby names. You can find books that have tens of thousands of baby names inside of them.
Flip through the book every so often when you and your partner are hanging out watching TV and see if you come across names that you like. If nothing else, you and your partner should be able to get on the same page as far as what kind of baby name you want to choose by taking this approach.
Some couples decide to go with more traditional names like John or Joan, while others choose to go with more unique names. You can find out which side of the fence you and your partner fall on by flipping through a baby name book and seeing which names you do and don’t like.
2. Use an Online Baby Name Generator
In addition to buying a book that contains thousands of potential names for your baby in it, you can also consult the internet when searching for baby names. Look for a baby name wizard that will automatically generate name suggestions for you.
These baby name generators will often ask you to provide some very basic information about yourself, such as your last name. From there, they’ll spit out a bunch of baby name options that work well with your last name or whatever other info you provide.
Using an online baby name generator is an excellent way to come up with names that you might not think of on your own.
3. Brainstorm Ideas With Family Members and Friends
If you and your partner spend the first few months of your pregnancy brainstorming names and can’t seem to come up with anything, it can be frustrating. But you shouldn’t allow this frustration to get the best of you.
Instead, you should think about opening up your search by bringing a few of your family members or friends into the mix and asking them to help you brainstorm names. They can look at things from a fresh perspective and suggest some names that haven’t crossed your mind.
4. Consider Naming Your Baby After Someone Special in Your Lives
Sometimes, picking a baby name is as simple as naming your baby after someone special in your life. Look around you and see who has a name that you might want to “borrow” for your baby.
For example, many couples choose to name their baby after one of their parents or grandparents. They also might decide to use one of their own middle names as their child’s first name.
They might even name their baby after an actor, singer, or athlete that they both love. If they happened to meet at, say, a concert, they might want to name their baby after the singer who was performing during it.
Doing this will create a connection between a couple and their child’s name. It’ll also give them a cool story to tell their child one day when they ask how they got their name.
5. Take a Look at Which Baby Names Are Popular Right Now
Some parents don’t want their kids to have the same names as everyone else. But some take a look at the lists of baby names that are trending and fall in love with one of them.
Either way, it never hurts for soon-to-be parents to check out which baby names are the most popular at any given moment. It might give them some ideas about what to name their baby.
As of right now, the top five boys names are:
- Milo
- Jasper
- Atticus
- Theodore
- Asher
Meanwhile, the top five girls names are:
- Posie
- Isla
- Olivia
- Aurora
- Maeve
Do any of these names look good to you?
6. Don’t Stop Thinking About Baby Names Until You Find One You Love
You shouldn’t ever, ever, ever simply settle for a baby name. Unless you love a name a lot, you should keep thinking about what you’re going to name your baby until you land on a winner.
In a perfect world, you should try to come up with the name before your final trimester. That will give you plenty of time to say the name over and over again so that you’re sure you love it.
You and your partner are going to be saying the name countless times in the years to come. It’s why it’s so important to put a lot of time and effort into coming up with the right baby name.
Picking a Baby Name Should Be a Fun Experience for Parents
Picking a baby name shouldn’t be something that causes a couple stress. It should be something that a couple looks forward to and enjoys.
If you and your partner find that you’re not having fun, take a break from brainstorming baby names for a little while and come back to it later. You never know when a baby name that you love will come to you out of nowhere.
While you’re waiting for the right baby name to hit you, find out what else you can do to prepare for a baby’s arrival. Read the rest of our blog to get some tips on getting ready for a new baby.