Pew! Pew! 5 of the Best Gun Blogs on the Internet Today
There’s no denying that Americans love guns.
In fact, U.S. citizens own 40 percent of all guns in the entire world. There are more guns in the country than the next 25 countries put together.
If you’re one of the millions of American gun enthusiasts, read on. We’ve compiled a list of five of the best gun blogs on the Internet for your enjoyment.
1. Everyday No Days Off
If you prefer video content over written content, this gun blog is perfect for you.
Many of the posts are humorous, which makes this one of the best gun blogs to check out when you’re bored.
2. Pew Pew Tactical
The name says it all. This lighthearted blog full of corny jokes doesn’t take itself too seriously.
You won’t find much to do with politics here. What you can expect is a bunch of reviews of cool gear and detailed how-to videos and posts.
Do you understand how gun laws impact toy guns? This site has info about gun laws by state and gunsmithing.
Pew Pew Tactical is great for novice gun enthusiasts. If you enjoy fun gun blogs, you have to check it out.
3. Lucky Gunner
At Lucky Gunner, you can buy cheap ammo, but that’s not all. The Lucky Gunner blog features exciting posts, such as the best .22 LR handguns for concealed carry and the best entry-level guns for trap, skeet, and sporting clays.
There’s a bunch of gun and ammo reviews as well as videos and articles containing tips and tricks you’ll want to check out.
If you find a gun you like, check out a gun auction to see if you can find it for less.
4. Ammoland.com
Ammonland regularly reviews the newest gun models. The site also gives plenty of gun advice and discusses the latest gun laws.
This blog provides lots of information on various topics. What’s great is that the various topics are listed along the header so you can go right to the section you’re interested in.
You’ll find information on archery, competitive shooting, gun gear, gun rights and more. You can also find details about gun shows and events near you, including the SHOT show.
5. The Shooter’s Log
The Shooter’s Log is an accessible blog that has something for every shooter, from beginners to the experienced outdoorsman.
The blog features content on firearms, shooting, fishing, bowhunting, camping, and survival preparation.
The articles are educational and entertaining, covering a wide variety of topics. For example, you can find tips for long-term gun storage as well as tips for close quarter battles.
You’ll also find reviews on many types of guns and ammunition.
You can expect new content several times a week. Best of all, there are various giveaways that you’ll want to enter.
Explore the Best Gun Blogs
We hope you enjoyed reading our list of the five best gun blogs.
Whether you’re a newbie or a life-long gun enthusiast, there is a gun blog out there for you.
Before you go, learn how to choose gun cabinet furniture to keep your guns and other people safe.