How Does Payment Work for Online Content Writing?
Are you looking for ways to earn more money? Do you have a natural talent and passion for writing?
Writing content online is becoming an increasingly popular option for making money. Whether it’s freelance or full-time work, there’s an opportunity for you, if you’re willing to put in the effort.
In this article, we’ll provide some useful information regarding how payment works for online content writing.
The Importance of Having a Contract
First and foremost, when doing any kind of freelance work, especially online content writing, having a contract is essential. Why? Without having an agreement in writing between you and your client, issues can easily arise.
For example, you could end up not getting paid for work that you’ve completed! And no one likes to work for free.
Creating Invoices
Once you have finalized your contract and actually completed an assignment for your client, you might find yourself wondering exactly how you are going to go about getting paid. Before you can make any money, however, you’ll need to create an invoice for any job(s) you’ve completed.
There are several different ways to go about doing this. You could create a simple document in Word, Google Docs, or a similar program. This will outline the project that you have completed, the time you spent working on it, the date, and most importantly, the total amount that is due.
Alternatively, you could use a system to create your invoice. This will automate the process somewhat, saving you some precious time and energy. You’ll be able to spend time on more important things – like actually writing!
Below are some invoicing systems you could try:
It may take some time, but you will eventually learn what works best for you.
Getting Paid for Your Online Content Writing
Depending on how you are finding work, there are two popular methods of getting paid for your writing.
If you are primarily finding work through content mills, PayPal will likely become your best friend – and quickly. It’s a popular option for a reason. For one, it’s a well-known website that is secure. It is trusted and used by many.
Two, it’s easy! After creating an account with your email address, you’ll be prompted to link your PayPal account to your personal bank account. And you’re all set!
Any funds you receive will be deposited directly into your PayPal account. From there, you have two options:
You can either leave the money in your PayPal account and use it to do things such as shop online, or you can transfer it to your personal or business bank account.
Believe it or not, paper checks are still a popular method of payment for some companies. One advantage of this is that there is a delay from when the check is cut and mailed, to when the funds are actually deducted. If the company is strapped for cash, checks allow them to stay above water that much longer.
One Final Note
If you are trying your hand at doing some online content writing and find that you are struggling, take a look at our tips on how to beat writer’s block for good! So, conquer your writer’s block and get to writing – there’s money to be made!