Not Sure How to Wear Your Masonic Ring? Here’s How
You’re a mason and you’re proud to be in such an honorary group of men. As a result, you probably have a masonic ring to show your pride and support in freemasonry.
But, have you heard different viewpoints on how you should wear your ring?
Who should you listen to?
It all depends on what you believe and how your fellow masons wear theirs in the lodge.
As a diplomat of this age-old craft, you should be educated on the what the different ways of wearing your masonic ring represent.
Here’s your guide on the different ways of wearing your ring.
Pointing In
Pointing in is considered wearing your ring down towards yourself. This is probably the most common way masons will wear their rings.
Masons choose to wear their rings pointing in because it reminds them of their obligations as Freemasons.
When the compass is pointing towards your heart, it helps to remind yourself of the life-long fraternity that you are a part of.
Some people believe you should wear your ring this way until you have served and earned your time.
Wearing your ring pointing in also means you are always wanting to receive light from the compass until you are a Past Master of your lodge.
Pointing Out
Pointing out is considered wearing your ring up or out towards others. This way other people are able to tell what the symbol on your ring represents.
This way seems to be a newer way of wearing a mason ring, but it seems to be just as popular.
Many masons will wear their ring this way to show others that they are a mason and proud. This would make you an ambassador for Freemasonry.
For many, it represents to others how masons choose to live their life which is upright and on-level like the compass displayed. If asked what it means, it also becomes much easier to explain the design.
The choice is in your hands
As you can see these two different beliefs have been debated about forever. There really is no right or wrong way to wear your masonic ring.
In the end, all that matters is that you are reminded of your obligations and act upon them in all situations.
To be clear, there is no definitive answer for how you should wear your ring.
However you choose to wear your ring, you should always remember to stay in harmony with your choice by acting like a mason would.
If you’re still lost and new to having a masonic ring, try wearing it pointing in towards yourself until you feel you have earned your time as a Past Master.
Once you reach this point, you can then wear your ring pointing out to showcase to others what it means to be a freemason.
As your last effort, you could always ask your lodge representatives and other freemasons part of your fraternity how they wear their rings. Sometimes there are guidelines to follow.
Hopefully, you’ve learned that all that matters is wearing your masonic ring with pride. Now it’s your turn to start thinking about how you’d like to wear your ring.
While people will have their opinions on which way is best, it ultimately comes down to you to decide.