What You Need to Know About Crate Training
In love with your new puppy and want to make sure you instill good habits right away?
Crate training is your answer.
We all know that puppies get curious in their new home. Their excitement often ends in soiled carpets and frayed sandals. Crate training serves as an effective and humane method to train your puppy early on.
Of course, your puppy will take some time to learn new, good habits. Practice crate training with patience. You and your puppy will reap the rewards.
The Benefit of Crate Training Your Puppy
Many people choose not to crate train their puppy because they believe it is cruel. When done the right way, crate training your puppy makes them feel safe and secure.
Dogs in the wild live in small spaces called dens. These act as shelters where dogs can rest, recover, or care for their young. Your dog feels a natural instinct to den.
A crate acts as a dog’s den. Think of it as your pet’s personal bedroom in your family home.
Crate training also proves effective for house training your puppy. You’ll hover over them less and can feel confident they won’t soil their bed.
Another added benefit of crate training is that it reduces your puppy’s anxiety! If your new puppy is alone, they can feel overwhelmed in their new home or experience separation anxiety. Custom dog crates give your puppy a small, safe, and secure domain while you’re away.
Choosing the Right Crate for Your Puppy
The right crate for your puppy allows him or her to lie down, stand up, and turn around in a circle.
Choose a crate with lots of ventilation for maximum comfort.
Of course, your puppies crate will need to grow with them. A great option is to purchase a crate big enough to fit your dog as an adult and use a divider to fit its size as it grows.
Tips for Crate Training Your Puppy
You want your puppy to associate their crate with good feelings only!
Make your puppy’s new bedroom cozy. Line the bottom with blankets. Add in a few of their favorite toys.
To mimic a den, you can drape a lightweight blanket over top.
Bring your puppy to their crate for naps and relaxation. Start in short time spurts. 10 minutes is a great time for a new puppy as he works up to longer times.
An hour of aerobic exercise should precede and follow your puppy’s time in the crate. Your puppy will associate the outdoors with elimination through this process. Always praise your puppy for going outside!
As you can see, crate training is a great practice that benefits both you and your puppy.
Keep in mind that you should never leave your puppy in their crate all day. Also, never use a crate as punishment.
These practices make crate training inhumane. They result in negative feelings for your new puppy and yourself.
Above all, remember to stay patient.
With these tips, your puppy will feel at home in their crate in no time!