Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Originally posted on https://www.serenitylightrecovery.com/addiction-treatment-blog/mindfulness-based-stress-reduction-2/
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a program that teaches mindfulness to help deal with stress, illness, and daily life. It is a simple process that teaches practitioners to be more present in their own lives. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy can also be useful in drug rehabilitation to help people deal more effectively with stress and to be aware of the factors that may trigger substance abuse.
So, what is mindfulness based stress reduction? Mindfulness is a technique for being more in touch with your own body and feelings. It helps to live more actively in the present. Often, people live their lives on autopilot. In addition, they respond to stresses and other issues automatically, believing that don’t have control over their lives.
For victims of substance abuse, this automatic response to stress can be a source of substance abuse addiction. Victims of substance abuse believe that they don’t have control over the way they respond to stress, depression, anxiety, etc.. To escape negative feelings, they may believe that the only option is to abuse drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, heroin, and other drugs.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is typically an 8-week course that combines meditation, yoga therapy and other forms of stress reduction to help individuals deal with stress, pain, and other emotional issues. Also, MBSR teaches practitioners to cultivate mindfulness, a moment to moment awareness. Studies have demonstrated that mindfulness may increase self-esteem.
Mindfulness may also help patients seeking rehabilitation from substance abuse to also identify harmful habits and possible triggers for relapse. For example, a person may abuse drugs to seek relief from feelings of worthlessness and depression. Prior to mindfulness training, they would automatically respond to the onset of these feelings by abusing heroin, cocaine or other drugs.
With mindfulness training, the patient will learn to be aware of the onset of these negative feelings. Also, they learn that they have options other than drug abuse.
Some exercises to increase mindfulness include:
- Slow down and pay attention – In life things often occur so rapidly that we fail to take time to slow down and notice how we are being affected. Mindfulness teaches us to slow down and be aware of what we are doing and thinking
- Live in the Present – Mindfulness teaches practitioners to be aware of what is going on in the present and to find simple pleasures in everything they do
- Focus on breathing – Focusing on your own breathing is an excellent way to bring your attention back to the here and now and away from thoughts that may trigger bad behavior
The benefits of MBSR include:
- Improved attention span
- Increased job performance and less burnout.
- Improved sleep
- Improved diabetes control
Serenity Light Recovery is Recovery Center located in Angleton Texas. In addition, we offer a wide variety of substance abuse treatment programs, including mindfulness based stress reduction. Our holistic programs offer mindfulness based exercises like yoga and meditation, designed to help people be more aware of their state of mind and the triggers that may lead to relapse. Call us at 855.658.6109 to learn more.