Leveling Up: The Top Benefits of an Above Ground Swimming Pool
There are about 10.4 million residential swimming pools in the US. The top states for above ground pools include California, Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Illinois.
While inground pools have their advantages, many pool-owners opt for an above ground swimming pool. Budget, flexibility, and schedules can all benefit. Let’s take a look.
1. Cost
The cost of an above ground pool is significantly lower than that of an inground pool. Starting at around $500, above ground pools can usually cost around $1,500-$3,000.
Installation of above ground pools can be anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000. You can, however, assemble the kit yourself if you have a little expertise.
By contrast, inground pools can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000. If you include installation, decks, and patios, you can expect to spend between $45,000 and $85,000.
2. Faster Installation Time
An inground pool can take anywhere from two weeks to many months to install. In some places, a permitting process is required.
You may also need to clear to cut down trees and level the ground before installing your pool. Landscaping around the pool can add to your installation cost. Vinyl in-ground pools take slightly longer to install because they must get constructed on-site.
Above-ground pools, however, can be constructed in as little as a day. You will need to avoid steep slopes and tree roots. Leveling the ground may require a little extra time.
A tape measure can help you find the center point for your new pool. You can then measure its outline, which is the radius measure of your pool plus one foot.
You will need to remove any grass to make sure that your pool does not become uneven or unsettled over time. A rake and sod remover can help you with it.
You will then need to build your bottom ring and support your base according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Finally, you can install the pool wall by using the tracks on the bottom plates. You can then put the wall together using nuts and bolts to secure the rivets.
Even, wet sand will create a level base for your pool. You can then snap on the liner and work it out using your bare feet.
3. Cleaning and Maintenance
Cleaning and maintenance are easier with an above ground pool. Nothing is hidden, and the parts are easily accessible.
With an inground pool, some of the parts that need to get cleaned get hidden under the surface. If you do not have the expertise, you may need to call a professional.
Your pool will require some basic skimming and vacuuming. Each day, use a pool skimmer to remove leaves, bugs, and dirt.
Pool vacuums are battery-powered and self-contained. They don’t require a connection to the pool filtration system.
You will need to connect the vacuum hose to the head and scrub stained areas thoroughly. It is important to be gentle so the lining does not rip.
If your vacuum’s filter becomes full, you will probably have to stop and clean it out. Some vacuums can clean the side of the pool as well.
You will need to add pool shock, algae cleaner, and clarifier to your pool regularly. You will also need to clean the filter by removing it and washing it down with a hose. If the filter cannot be cleaned, it may be time to replace it.
When you put the filter back in, be sure to tightly seal it. You will need to reconnect the pump and filter to the pool. The process uses very little energy.
4. Safety
Many above-ground pools come in round shapes, from twelve feet to thirty-three feet around. Others come in oval sizes ranging from eight-by-twelve feet to twenty-one-by-forty-three feet.
They can be installed with safety features, including forty-eight-inch-tall fencing, to reduce the risk of accidents. This is a much higher point of entry than inground pools have.
A pull-up locking ladder is important for keeping small children from getting into your pool at night. Handrails and stair rails provide extra protection against slipping.
Pool alarms can help detect intrusions at night. You will want to know if children, pets, or unwanted visitors are entering your pool when they are not supposed to.
Makers and signs can also help to make your pool even safer. Let guests know they should not be jumping or diving in shallow water.
5. Flexibility
You cannot take an inground pool with you if you move. You can, however, pack up your above-ground pool and move it. Some folks like to take the pool down when selling and replace it with fresh grass.
Depending upon their budget, some families like to start with smaller above ground pools and graduate to larger ones as children grow. With an inground pool, you will likely have the same size pool for as long as your family is growing.
In more diverse climates, pool season only lasts a few months of the year. The low cost and simple maintenance of above ground pools is an advantage.
Above ground, pools can be made of vinyl, metal, and aluminum. A special resin now available in most above ground pools helps to prolong their lives.
Installing an Above Ground Swimming Pool
Installing an above ground swimming pool is a great way to help your family exercise, cool off, and have fun. The low cost, easy maintenance, and flexibility pools above the ground make them a wonderful option for many families.
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