Keeping Your House Cool During Hot Weather
Originally posted on https://whisperedinspirations.com/keeping-your-house-cool/
In order for your home to be as comfortable as possible, there are many things to consider. One of the most important is that you are able to keep the temperature at a good level all of the time. That is something that many homes are simply not set up well for.
When it comes to summer you will want to know that you are able to keep your house as cool as you would like. That is the kind of thing that can take some forward planning. In many cases, even some alteration of house design in order to get it right.
Read on for the most effective ways to keep your house cool during hot weather. That way, you can be more comfortable in your own home no matter what the weather outside might be doing.
If you have the opportunity to alter the basic design of your home, then that is the place that you will want to start. There are a number of design elements you should consider taking on board.
The most important of these is a nice open design throughout the house, rather than a closed-off space with lots of different tight areas.
So what are the benefits of an open design, and how can you make sure that your home is designed in such a way?
Lots of open space allows the air to flow much more freely throughout the day and night. When there is that much more airflow, it has a way of keeping the house cool. It stops the heat from getting trapped in any pockets around the home.
Your home design should be as open as possible in order to ensure that the air can flow freely. If you don’t have the space for this, then you can still do plenty to try and encourage airflow in other ways.
Another idea is to think about rearranging the furniture in such a way that air can flow more easily. You might even want to downsize on it and get rid of some items along the way too.
If you do that, your home will have a lot of air flowing through it. You will find that this makes for a cooler home.
The more open you can make your home, the better it will fare in hot weather.
If you live in a particularly hot climate and you know that you are going to struggle with high temperatures, you might want to think about using trees to create a little shade.
If you plant some shade trees in sensible positions outside of your home, you will be able to keep the home cool that way. A benefit of this is just how natural it is. You will enjoy how it feels to literally have your home in shade.
However, be careful to ensure that you do not overburden your neighbours with trees or plant too many large ones. The truth is that you don’t need many trees to achieve coolness.
In many cases, they don’t even need to be that tall. As long as they cover a window, you know that you are providing natural shade for that room at least.
You can think about doing the same thing indoors, too. Having a couple of large-ish trees or plants near windows in particularly hot rooms will help to provide shade.
With the clever use of trees, you should be able to make sure that your home is kept nice and cool. Even in the warmest of weather! Not to mention, this is an especially green way to go about cooling your home.
One of the golden rules of keeping a home cool is blocking out sunlight as much as you can. People think that they should keep windows and curtains open in order to keep cool, but it is exactly the opposite.
If you let the sun beat down on your windows, it’s going to heat up your house quick. You should block the sun out as much as possible. If you have blinds in your home, you should use them on hot days. It will keep the coolness in.
Similarly, curtains will do the same thing. If you have blackout curtains, that is even better!
The curtains themselves will absorb the heat and stop it from getting through to the home.
Block sunlight as best as you can and your home will remain much cooler throughout the hot weather.
If you’re always hot, a good idea would be to install some long-term solutions into the home. A perfect solution is a ceiling fan. If you have never had a ceiling fan in your home before.
You will never look back after getting one installed.
You might even want to install one in each of the major rooms of the house. The way ceiling fans work is that they force air down through the room, which has a cooling effect. You can use them in winter and in the cold, you reverse the direction and it brings the air up, warming your home.
You can get large ceiling fans for great rooms, or you can just get normal-sized ones. Either way, it’s going to keep you much cooler than if you don’t have one.
Getting decent air conditioning is one of the best ways to keep your house nice and cool. While it is not the most environmentally friendly solution out there, there’s really nothing like it. Be warned, however: it can get expensive.
Chances are you will want to monitor how much you use your air conditioning. Keeping it to a minimum will help you to not rack up a huge electricity bill.
Believe me though, it’s good to have for when you need to cool down quickly.
If you don’t want to use air conditioning or you just can’t afford it, you can easily make your own home-made air conditioning.
All you need to do is to get a large bowl of ice or something else cold like ice packs and place it in front of a fan at an angle. The point is to allow the air to flow from the fan through the ice and into the room.
You might be amazed the first time you do this. Especially when you see how effective it can be.
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It is a relatively green and very cheap means of keeping yourself cool, no matter how hot it is outside. Plus, desperate times call for desperate measures and a little ingenuity, right?
Now you are armed with a few tips for keeping your house cool, you’re all set!
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!