Is Uber Liable for Accidents in Baton Rouge, Louisiana?
Originally posted on https://www.stephenbabcock.com/blog/uber-liable-louisiana-car-accident-attorney/
One of the best inventions of the last ten years was Uber. People finally have a way to get to where they’re going for a fair price. People who don’t own a car no longer have to wait for the bus or train in the freezing rain or stifling heat.
The other great thing about Uber is that it saves us from drunk drivers. The best designated driver is the one who wasn’t even at the bar. When people usually choose a designated driver, they usually pick the one person in their group who drank the least. This is still dangerous. As we now know, buzzed driving is the same as drunk driving.
But just because they’re sober doesn’t mean Uber drivers are perfect. They’re not professional drivers. You don’t need a commercial driver’s license to become an Uber driver. All you need is a car, insurance and decent driving record.
The other thing to keep in mind is Uber drivers are on the road all day long. If you spend that much time on the road, chances are, you’re going to get into an accident at some point. Even the most careful Uber drivers make mistakes. Or, they do nothing wrong but are hit by another negligent driver.
As the passenger in an Uber, you have a right to pursue someone for your injuries. There could be multiple parties responsible for your injuries. This is why you need to call a Baton Rouge car accident attorney.
Who Should You Pursue for an Uber Accident Claim?
If you get into an accident while a passenger in an Uber, you may have a claim against multiple parties. It depends on how the accident happened. It also depends on who was at fault for the crash.
You may have a claim against the Uber driver and his insurance company. If he wasn’t at fault, you may have to pursue the other driver. Some of the people you may have a legal claim against include:
- The Uber driver
- The driver’s insurance company
- Uber’s insurance company
- A third-party such as another driver
- The manufacturer of one of the vehicles
- The mechanic of one of the vehicles
Any of these parties may be held liable for your injuries. If your Uber driver wasn’t at fault, he may file suit against the other driver. This means he may implead this other driver to be a defendant if you have to sue the Uber driver.
Your car accident attorney in Baton Rouge will review your case and decide who you need to pursue. He’ll make sure he adds these defendants at the outset because you won’t have a chance to add them down the road.
What are the Main Causes of Uber Accidents?
Uber drivers are just as likely to get into an accident as the next driver. They aren’t professionals. They are just regular people looking to make a few dollars on the side. Many of them have other full-time jobs. They only drive as a side gig. They aren’t perfect.
Some of the main causes of Uber accidents are:
- Distracted driving – Sometimes, your Uber driver is so worried about answering ride requests that he doesn’t focus on the road in front of him.
- Speeding – Your driver is paid by how many jobs he does a day. He is always going to try to get you to your destination as quickly as possible. This means he may drive faster than he should.
- Drunk Driving – Either your Uber driver or another driver on the road could be drunk driving. These accidents are very dangerous. No Uber driver should be drinking on the job but it does happen.
- Mechanical Failure – Your driver isn’t required to maintain his car any more than anybody else. So, he could have bad brakes or engine failure. If this happens, he could end up getting into an accident. In cases like this, you may have a claim against both the driver and the mechanic who fixed his car.
Contact a Car Accident Attorney in Baton Rouge
If you get into an accident while riding in an Uber, you need to call a car accident attorney in Baton Rouge. Your lawyer can review your case and determine who was at fault. He can make sure you file a claim against all responsible parties.
Call and schedule your free initial consultation today. You can sit down with an experienced car wreck attorney in Baton Rouge who can answer any questions you may have. And remember – you pay nothing until you win your case.