Increase Your Home Value: A List of the Best Trees for Front Yards
When planning your landscaping needs, you should consider the types of trees you should plant. Planting trees around your home can increase your property value by 20%.
This includes front yard trees. Before you get to planting though, you need to know the best trees for front yards. Yes, it does make a difference where you plant trees.
Your front yard tree choices matter even more if you live in a small home. You want to find trees that compliment your house and other property dimensions.
The Benefits of Trees to Plant Near Houses
Trees increase your property value because they add curb appeal to your home. Well-placed trees can add color and dimension to your property. They provide a focal point or highlight other focal points in your landscaping.
Trees are more than beautiful though. Trees can provide shade to keep your home cool during summer months. They also provide barriers during windy days.
Trees also protect the environment. Trees can protect against soil erosion and greenhouse gases. A young tree can absorb 13 pounds of CO2 per year, and mature trees absorb 48 pounds.
To get the most benefit out of trees around your house, you need to find the best options for your property. This will depend on your agriculture zone, type of soil, and the size of your yard and house.
Understanding Planting Zones
The USDA created a hardiness zone map to determine which plants will thrive in different areas. Every tree requires different environments to thrive, and the zoning map helps you determine which ones to plant in your area.
This map also helps you determine the best times to plant trees so they have a chance to grow. You can use this map to determine what zone you’re in when researching trees to plant.
This ensures you don’t purchase a tree not meant for your climate. It’s important to pay attention to the preferred zones for trees to get the most out of your landscaping.
The Best Trees for Front Yards
When planting trees in your front yard, you want to look for smaller specimens. This keeps the trees from taking over your yard or over-shadowing your home. This is especially true if you have a small home or yard.
You can find trees of different sizes to add depth and dimension to your property. You want to look for options that complement each other and thrive in similar environments. Make sure you choose tree species that fit in with the size of your house and yard.
You also want to consider the color of the trees you choose. Pick options with blooms and leaves that complement your home and other landscaping colors.
Pay attention to the needs of the trees as well. You want to look for options you’re able to take care of by yourself. You can start your choice with the top front-yard tree options.
1. Columnar Blue Spruce
The Columnar Blue Spruce, also known as the Fastigiata Spruce, is an evergreen tree that thrives well in zones 2-7. This is a smaller spruce option so it works well on properties with less room. This Spruce grows 10-20 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide.
The Columnar Blue Spruce gets its name from the blue-tinted leaves. This tree does well in colder climates. It also does well with pruning so you can keep it under control.
2. Weeping Cherry Tree
The Weeping Cherry tree is an option that adds height to your landscaping, reaching heights of 25 feet. Despite the height, the Weeping Cherry still works near small homes. This option thrives in zones 4-8.
The Weeping Cherry tree has pink and white blossoms during the spring, adding a little color. This tree thrives in the sunlight. It requires plenty of water, but the soil needs good drainage.
3. Purple Leaf Plum Tree
The Purple Leaf Plum tree reaches heights and widths of 25 feet, so you need to plant these further away from your home. This tree thrives in zones 4-9.
The Purple Leaf Plum tree gets its name from the purple leaves. When in blossom it also has pink and white blossoms adding more color. You also get the benefit of edible fruit from this option.
The Purple Leaf Plum needs full sun and moist ground to thrive. It is drought-resistant though, making it a hardier option.
4. Magnolia Tree
The size of the Magnolia tree depends on the type you get. Sizes can range from 15 feet to 80 feet in height. This tree thrives in zones 4-9, preferring warmer climates.
The Magnolia blossoms in late spring and early summer with white blossoms. The flowers also have a pleasing fragrance, increasing its appeal. This tree requires full sunlight to thrive.
5. Little Volunteer Tulip Tree
The Little Volunteer Tulip tree grows up to 35 feet high and 18-20 feet wide. You can have it closer to your home, but still, need to watch the width. This tree thrives in zones 4-9.
The Little Volunteer Tulip tree has bright yellow flowers with a pleasing fragrance that attracts pollinators. These blossoms are seen in late spring and early summer. This option requires good soil moisture to thrive.
6. Japanese Maple Tree
The Japanese Maple can reach heights of 25 feet, but you can purchase smaller options for planting near your house. The width ranges from 10-25 feet depending on the option you choose. This tree thrives in zones 5-8.
If handled properly, the Japanese Maple has red leaves year-round, providing a pop of color. Even if the leaves aren’t red year-round, they will turn red in the fall. This tree thrives best with partial sun and moist soil.
7. Dogwood Tree
The Dogwood tree can grow up to 25 feet tall but only reaches 6-12 feet wide. This makes it a good option in small yards or near the house. This tree thrives in zones 5-9.
The Dogwood tree provides plenty of color with white and pink blooms in the spring and purple-red leaves in the fall. The Dogwood tree is a hardy option. It does best in partial shade though and needs plenty of water.
8. Crepe Myrtle
The Crepe Myrtle, also known as a Crape Myrtle, only grows to 15 feet tall, but it has wide roots. This means you should plant the tree away from your foundation to protect your home. This option thrives in zones 6-10.
The Crepe Myrtle is a warm climate tree, so it handles droughts well. The Crepe Myrtle has blossoms of pink, purple, or red that have long flowering seasons. The leaves take on shades of yellow, orange, and red in the fall meaning plenty of color all year.
9. Mayten Tree
The Mayten tree can grow up to 30 feet tall and 15 feet wide. While this tree resembles the Willow, the roots are less invasive so they can get planted closer to homes. This tree thrives in zones 9-10.
The Mayten tree has small yellow flowers in the winter, but these blossoms don’t stand out. The Mayten tree is an evergreen tree and can withstand cold weather climates. This tree has some drought resistance, but it requires full sunlight to thrive.
Proper Tree Care
No matter what trees you choose to plant in your front yard, you need to make sure you take care of them. All trees are threatened by different diseases and pests that damage their growth or even kill them.
Improper care leads to many of these diseases. Issues that threaten trees include
- Improper sun exposure
- Over or under-watering
- Lack of protection against elements
- Using the wrong soil type
- Using the wrong fertilizer
- Over or under-pruning
- Damage from pests
You should receive proper care guidelines when you purchase a tree to plant. It’s important to follow these instructions if you want your trees to thrive.
You can usually tell if a tree is suffering disease or other damage. Look for changes in bark texture and color, loss of foliage, cracks, and growth of mildew or fungus.
If you catch issues early, you can take steps to fix the problems and bring your trees back to thriving. For more information about caring for new or damaged trees, read more here.
Landscape and Design Make for Beautiful Homes
No matter what size home you have, you can create a beautiful home with the right landscaping and design options. Landscape goes beyond the best trees for front yards. You also want to compliment your trees with a beautiful lawn and garden.
If you pay attention to your home design during landscaping you can create an eye-catching property. Even tiny homes can show off with the right eye for design. If you’re not sure where to start, check out more tips and tricks right here on our blog to get the most out of even the tiniest home.