How to Win an Election: The Best Marketing Strategy for Your Political Campaign
Running a good campaign is the difference between winning and losing an election, where only one person can be voted into office. There might be two or a handful of people seeking to win the same contest, but standing out from the rest assures a more desired outcome.
That is not an easy proposition. But if you want to learn how to win an election, here are some steps that can be taken in order to bridge the gaps between the candidate and voters.
Build Your Brand
Name recognition is the first priority of the candidate. No voter will pick the person they know nothing about. Write in candidates are a form of protest by small groups, with less than a handful of successful winners in history.
The real contest is among the best well known and supported individuals. Be more than a name, but a powerful brand.
Like a company selling products, a logo has the power of persuasion. It encapsulates, for the voter, the personality, ideology, and hopes placed on the desired candidate.
Well-known companies such as the Nike that sells shoes, Apple that sells computers, and McDonald’s with a successful fast-food chain are each recognized by symbols.
Two-term President Obama had an O with what looked like the sun rising in a blue sky above three red stripes like farmland. The red “MAGA” hat of President Trump is simple but brings out extreme emotional reactions for both supporters and detractors. Develop a simple and easy-to-recognize symbol for the campaign.
Sell Merchandise
Spread the word by offering your name and logo to the masses by selling hats, shirts, and other things with your name and logo on it. This gives supporters the chance to let others know who they want in office. Your merchandise is more than just free advertising. The profits generated from these sales can also contribute to the campaign’s coffers.
You also want to create custom advertising materials for your supporters, like lawn signs, posters, flyers, or even custom Post-it notes (learn more here).
Pinpoint Your Messaging
A symbol, or a candidate, without a message doesn’t inspire others to join the movement. There will be competitors who have ideas that are in complete opposition to each other. On the other hand, during a primary many from the same political party will hold only slightly different viewpoints.
Use any differences, no matter how small, as an advantage. Exaggerate them, argue insistently, and be consistent. Let the potential voters know you mean business. Directly tie your position to how it can help the everyday life of voters to be better.
Good storytelling among, and even bereft of, political jargon also helps bring potential voters closer to supporting you. No one cares about crime statistics or the amount of the national debt. But they do care about a person who was robbed at gunpoint while going shopping downtown and the chance they will be next.
Knowing eventually that taxes will be high enough to force them taking another job can bring fear.
Even better is a personal story by the candidate about how they were affected by an existing or proposed law. Make sure to have answers to the critical questions that any good reporter would ask; the who, what, when, where, and why of the stories.
Put all that information in written material that can be distributed at rallies and by supporters to others.
Develop a Social Media Presence
Once the message is developed and logo designed, modernize the process with various social media platforms. We don’t recommend that every platform is used at once. A blitz of information might lose the impact of a slowly leaked presentation.
Interest can quickly be lost as voters are overwhelmed with all the candidate has to say. Using all the social media will cause confusion and burn out for both the intended audience and the campaign.
Pick and choose a few platforms, what to present, and when to make a post. Modern Hollywood celebrities are masters of social media advertising for fans.
Like water from a faucet, they slowly and continually drop little bits of their personal lives.
The same can be done with views, proposals, positions, and schedules. Start with some main information and slowly explain the details. Respond to other candidates whenever they have anything to say. Make sure you don’t miss a chance to put your voice and name out for voters to take notice. Link short-form social media to a central online presence that can expand and further explain any information.
Create a Campaign Website
A website is essential to a modern political campaign. It acts as the place that potential voters can go to learn more about the campaign and candidacy.
Well-maintained websites are sure to have SEO (Search Engine Optimization) keywords to help people find what they are looking for. It will include a biography, political positions, press releases, rally schedules, and even some tasteful fun.
Essential to the professional website is a portal through which supporters, or potential voters, can interact with the campaign and get involved. You want visitors to join an e-mail list, join the political party or campaign, and donate to the cause.
Know How to Win An Election Now?
Hopefully, this article has helped you understand how to win an election.
Remember, no stone should go unturned when running for office as a political candidate. Recognize strengths and weakness in the campaign and in your competition. Emphasize your strengths and advantages while downplaying your weakness (and work on improvement where possible).
Do the exact opposite for the opponents. Have the end goal of holding a political office in mind. If the end result is winning, don’t forget to continue following the above strategies.