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Originally Posted On: https://fastactionpestcontrol.com/how-to-spot-common-house-pests/
As a homeowner, you know that it’s critical to keep an eye on your property. You check the roof for signs of damage after a storm, pull weeds when they threaten to overwhelm your landscaping and pressure-wash your siding when it starts showing signs of wear.
Did you know that it’s also important to check your home for signs of pest infestations?
There are many common house pests that could turn your house into their own personal oasis. Knowing how to spot them before they settle in can make all the difference. Today, we’re sharing a few signs to look out for so you can take early action and reclaim your space!
Analyzing Ant Colonies
There are three common types of ants that tend to find their way into vulnerable homes. These include:
- Carpenter ants
- Fire ants
- Argentine ants
As you might expect, all of these ants are attracted to open food containers, especially those that contain sticky sweets! Unfortunately, colonies can go undetected unless you know exactly what to look and listen for.
Carpenter ants bury into wood and create nests. You might find them in your pantry or around your cabinets. If you suspect that you have carpenter ants in your kitchen, then look for these signs:
- Soft, rustling noises behind your walls
- Visible, winged colony members
- Piles of wood shavings
Argentine ants and fire ants, on the other hand, usually begin to colonize outside. You’ll find Argentine ants in damp, decomposing areas such as underneath logs or lawn debris. Fire ants prefer mulch or potted plants.
Once the temperatures turn cold, both species will usually head indoors, where they have ample access to food and water. Fire ants will create small piles of dirt or sand in their infestation areas, while Argentine ants will group together in massive colonies, leaving long trails from their nesting areas to their food source.
Searching For Spiders
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider might be a cute nursery rhyme, but you don’t want that creepy-crawly anywhere near your house! However, almost every homeowner has grabbed the broom to knock down a spider web or two.
Worried that you might have a more serious infestation? Here are the signs to watch for:
- Multiple, visible spider webs (orb-shaped, funnel-shaped, burrows)
- Egg sacs on surfaces or along the floor
- Excessive number of flying insects
There are thousands of different species of spiders, and each one will exhibit different characteristics. Of course, if you notice actual spiders crawling around in your home, then it’s time to call pest control services immediately!
Ratting Out Rodents
When it comes to house pests, rodents are among the ickiest. They can also transmit diseases, which puts them even higher on our radar.
The only problem? Many rodents are notoriously agile, which makes them experts at hide-and-seek. You might not notice one or two rodents that have weaseled their way into your home. Once you spot them, an infestation may already be in the works.
These red flags can serve as an early warning:
- Rodent droppings in your home (look around food packages, under the sink, inside of drawers)
- Signs of chewing on food packages
- Nesting material (dried plant matter, shredded paper, or fabric)
- Holes chewed through your home’s entry points (walls, floors, doorways)
- Stale, sour smells with no obvious location
It’s important to fully control a rodent infestation, rather than simply catching and eliminating one or two invaders. A professional pest control team can help you take fast action to eliminate your current issue and prevent reoccurrence.
Weeding Out Wasps
When temperatures warm up, families naturally spend more time outdoors. However, nothing ruins your backyard fun like a wasp invasion.
These pesky flyers are irritating and concerning enough when they’re whirling all around your porch or patio. However, did you also know that they can make their way inside your home? Key signs to check for include:
- Chewed wood around your home’s exterior
- Small holes or tunnels along wooden surfaces in your home
- Visible wasp nests (made from chewed wood or a mud-like material)
Keep in mind that simply noticing chewed wood within or outside of your home isn’t a surefire sign that you’re dealing with wasps. This is also a common sign of a termite infestation. For that reason, it’s best to call in a pest control expert to professionally diagnose the issue you’re dealing with and advise you on the next steps to take.
Eeking Out Earwigs
Also called pincher bugs, earwigs can take over your home and yard if left untreated. Usually, these nocturnal insects will seek out cool, damp environments and tend to live outdoors, where they happily wreak havoc on your plants, flowers, and garden plants.
While indoor infestations are less common, they can occur. Here are the telltale signs that you’re dealing with one:
- Foul-smelling yellow secretion
- Groups of earwigs near bright lights (more visible at night)
- Groups of earwigs in cool, damp locations (basement)
Due to their tiny size, it’s easy for earwigs to sneak back into your home, even after you’ve taken steps to remove their colony. If you find that you’re continuously removing them week after week, then it’s time to call in an expert to address the problem for good!
Find Relief From Common House Pests
Your home should be a peaceful retreat for you and your family. It doesn’t have to be a hideaway for insects, rodents, and other pests. By knowing the signs to look out for, you can take a more proactive approach and keep your home pest-free.
These are a few of the most common house pests, but this list isn’t exhaustive. If you want to make sure your home is clean and safe, then it’s best to trust a reputable pest control service.
Our team at Fast Action Pest Control is here and ready to help. Schedule a free inspection in 20 seconds today!