Everyday Door Direct Mail is an easy, fast, and cost-effective means of reaching your audience. You get to grow your business and increase revenue without having a mailing list. EDDM postcards provide an excellent way of marketing your business and building more traffic within your neighborhood. You’ll be leveraging the United States Postal Service EDDM Program to deliver your postcards to individual doorsteps. In addition you can read how we help BEST DENTAL in HOUSTON grew their business with our EDDM Marketing Services. Lastly, here are some tips on how to make EDDM postcards stand out for your business:
You need to identify carrier routes, as well as, the specific names and addresses you want to send the postcards to. EDDM postcards save you the cost of purchasing a mailing list.
Besides, there is no permit required before you can use this service. Get the simplified address system from the United States Postal Service (USPS) and enlist the services of a complete 24/7 online print fulfillment provider. You need to stand out from your competitors with postcards that cannot be ignored.
EDDM campaigns have done an excellent job in shutting down the print is dead philosophy. Even though the business world today is digital-fast, digital marketing can only go so far before it is choked out by Adblockers. Physical pieces of postcards are excellent incorporations to your marketing strategy as they maximize your direct reach to potential clients.
Sending postcards to your customers’ doorsteps puts your message right in front of their eyes. All you need to work on is making sure your message is hard to ignore. Catching the attention of your customers if the first and most important step in postcard marketing.
The recent resurgence of interest in EDDM postcards allows you to achieve a more balanced mix of online and offline channels for your marketing strategy. Print opens up an avenue for dialogue between you and your customers, which in the long run creates long-lasting relationships and engaging relationships. You need such solid relationships with your customers to take your business to the next level.
Choosing a company that offers you exposure at the most cost-effective price allows you to gain new ground and build your brand without eating into your business’ capital.
Before you contact a print fulfillment provider, you need to figure out a visual that works best for your business. Just like business websites need to be branded, so does your postcards. This is the key to standing out among your competitors. You can even learn how to design your postcards by going through the ideas your competitors used. Another alternative is borrowing a leaf or two from previous campaigns you have sent out.
Long gone are the days when people fell for cheesy taglines like the promise of an amazing offer. People are more critical these days, and such taglines will only cost you potential customers. Also, you should steer clear of anything with bold italics, all caps or multiple exclamation marks.
Also, avoid anything that is too elementary to activate the brain. You don’t want to deliver a boring postcard to people’s doors because they’ll feel like you wasted their time. Your focus should be to make a good impression the minute anyone looks at your handy work. Being more innovative and creative is the key to enticing your customers.
Your graphics and wording should trigger your customers to complete a story in their minds and see why they need your professional services or products. When a postcard is engaging, customers will spend more time with it, and this improves your odds of getting new customers. You need to make sure the postcard is designed such that the person reading it has an easy time taking in the information they need to transact with you.
When you educate your audience, they’ll be more willing to make a purchase. Your headline should draw attention to the body because it is the most powerful selling tool in an EDDM postcard. Using provoking imagery in the body will entice your audience into wanting more information immediate.
Remember, for postcards; it is best to include direct information in the body because referring them to a link is a bit of a stretch. Provide as much information within no more than five sentences because you don’t want customers dropping your postcard before they finish reading.
Do you know your customers inside out? Use that information in your postcards. Personalizing your postcards is an excellent way of attaining the trust of potential customers. Moreover, it will enhance your audience’s inclination to read the postcards. Sending customers postcards that are addressed specifically to them gives them a sense of familiarity.
Make a point of familiarizing yourself with your market and use the information you gather to be specific with your postcards. Knowing demographics like age, gender, income, and leisure activity is important, and they go a long way in making your customers feeling like they belong.
4. ASK
Once you identify the action you want your postcards to elicit, ask for it. Call-to-actions give your audience a cue for getting what they want. You should aim to gain more than just brand recognition with your postcards. Call-to-action is the key to winning new customers. Do you want your audience to visit your website? Ask.
Always go with color instead of black and white if you want to grab the attention of your audience. However, use colors with moderation because too much will be repelling and confusing. You want to use just enough color to enhance your message but not too much that the postcard is cluttered.
You should choose colors based on the feelings that they elicit. Warm colors, for instance, are energizing and exciting while bright colors are loud and bold. Think about your product and your audience and choose the color that best presents your products. Make the most of your budget to maximize the impact color has on your message.
Using EDDM postcards to market your business locally is an excellent and cost-effective strategy because it saves you from purchasing a mailing list. Ensure you personalize every postcard to enhance your customers’ inclination to read them. These tips on how to make EDDM postcards are a good way to improve your business, but we also invite you to contact us for marketing tools that push your products off the shelves.