How to Make a Retirement Community Feel Like Home
Photo from thepointeatmeridian.com
Typically, the older you get, the harder it is to deal with change. And moving is a stressful experience no matter how old you are. Still, for most retired individuals, the benefits of living in a retirement community outweigh the stress of transitioning.
Now, here’s the best news. Today, we’re giving you several tips on how to make your new home feel like your true home.
These are tips you can apply regardless of your specific living arrangements. That is, we’ll teach you how to personalize your retirement community experience whether you live assisted or independently.
You shouldn’t let worry and nitpicking ruin the joy of living in a community that’s truly perfect for you. Instead, use these tips to make the rest of your life the best of your life.
Or, perhaps it’s your loved ones who are struggling with this transition. If so, make them feel more at home in their new community with these tips.
1. Downsize With Purpose
Nobody enjoys thinking about passing on. Yet we all know that that day is unavoidable.
However, there’s a bright side to this foreknowledge. Specifically, the more prepared you are for that day, the better. For instance, having a carefully planned will is important for bequeathing your possessions to your loved ones.
But, in most cases, joining a retirement community gives you an even better option. That is, this transition usually means you’ll be downsizing. And that means that you can hand down many of your possessions now, before they become subject to estate taxes and custody disputes.
At the same time, you’ll decide which homey touches are important to bring with you. For example, your familiar decor items and family portraits will prove that home is where you make it. Besides, it might be possible to bring some of your favorite furniture and other items with you.
2. A Fresh New Start
On the other hand, maybe you’re sick of all your ratty old junk, anyway. Moving into a retirement community is a great opportunity for a fresh new start.
Many seniors find this transition easier when they replace their old belongings with sleek new upgrades. In fact, when you think about it, you’ll realize that many of your current possessions no longer fit your lifestyle as a senior. Consider how new furniture and other upgrades might make your life more convenient regardless of where you live.
3. Choose a Living Space That Already Feels Like Home
Aside from what you bring with you, consider what’s already offered by your living space. Specifically, do the color scheme and style resonate with your personal interior-design preferences? Or, is the retirement home flexible about repainting and/or other cosmetic upgrades?
It may be difficult to feel at home if your living space clashes with your sense of style and there’s nothing you can do about it.
4. Make Friendships a Priority
Feeling at home means feeling like you belong. And you’ll never feel like you belong when you’re isolated and disconnected from everyone. Also, waiting for family to visit in order to feel this connection is not a feasible solution, either.
It’s important that you feel at home with your neighbors, who are near you all the time. In fact, since isolation is dangerous to your aging health, social engagement is even more important than where you live.
Fortunately, retirement communities make this pretty easy. That is, they’re already populated with other retired seniors like you.
It’s likely you’ll have a lot in common with your neighbors. You just need to make sure you reach out to them and make friends.
Furthermore, you can try to find a retirement community that’s tailored to a more specific category of seniors. However, there’s nothing wrong with joining a more diverse group. Diversity makes your relationships with your neighbors more interesting.
5. Stay Connected to Your Family
If there’s only one good thing about the year 2020 it’s this. It taught us that being distant doesn’t have to mean being disconnected. For the past year, we’ve all learned many great ways to stay connected with loved ones even when we can’t see them in person.
Thus, there’s no reason not to stay connected to your family, at least as much as you did last year, anyway. Still, try to arrange a regular meeting time with them so that they visit often. But, when they can’t visit, keep them in your life by communicating virtually.
6. Consider What’s Important to You
All the above tips are good in general. But there’s no way we can tell you what “home” means to you. But you can.
For the best transition into senior community living, ask yourself what makes your home feel like home. Is it your precious family heirlooms or other possessions? Or is it your flower garden or the weekly block parties you host at your house?
Make a list of things that currently make you feel at home. Then, find a retirement community that offers or allows for these things.
Granted, some items on your list are things that can’t come with you, like the house itself. Write these down anyway to see if there are reasonably similar replacements for such things. But, otherwise, try to focus on the important factors that can come with you into the retirement community.
Please Share This Guide on How to Make a Retirement Community Feel Like Home
We hope this advice is truly a blessing to you as you adjust to life in a retirement community. Or, if you’re still deciding whether or not to join a retirement community, we hope this guide aids you in your decision.
In any case, we believe this post can help others just as it’s helped you. So, please share this article with other seniors who can benefit from it.
Want some more information about the amenities and benefits of our senior community, for yourself or a loved one? We’re here for you. Reach out to us through our contact form to schedule an appointment.