How To Learn Faster: 14 Most Powerful Techniques
No matter if you are a pupil, a student or a middle-aged person, you should know how to learn faster. In this article, you will find 14 legitimate ways to boost your memory power.
Table of Contents
- How To Learn Faster – The Most Powerful Techniques
- 1. Take Notes By Hand
- 2. Start Learning New Information As Soon As Possible And Repeat It Frequently
- 3. Sleep Well
- 4. Remember About Eating And Drinking
- 5. Do Some Exercises
- 6. Learn Information In Multiple Ways
- 7. Try To Connect The New Knowledge With Something You Already Know
- 8. Study More Than One Or Two Subjects A Day
- 9. Avoid Physical Distractions
- 10. Get Rid Of Stress And Clear Your Mind
- 11. Read Out Loud
- 12. Teach Other People What You’ve Just Learned
- 13. Try To Improve Your Memory
- 14. Eat Healthy Food And Avoid Sugar
How To Learn Faster – The Most Powerful Techniques
1. Take Notes By Hand
Nowadays people use PCs and laptops for many different purposes. There are also many students around the world who use their computers instead of pen and paper to take notes.
However, it’s good to know that there is a study which shows that people using pen and paper for taking notes achieve better results compared to those who take notes using a keyboard.
According to measurements, most people can type faster than write with a pen, so this is your choice. But if you want to learn faster, you should start taking notes by hand instead of using your electronic devices.
2. Start Learning New Information As Soon As Possible And Repeat It Frequently
In order to maximize the effectiveness of your study time, you should learn in short sessions and repeat your knowledge frequently (for a few weeks since you start learning that thing).
3. Sleep Well
No matter whether you have some physical activity or you need to learn a lot of new information, you should remember about sleeping 7-8 hours a night.
The thing is that people with any of these types of activities (both mental and physical) need some time for regeneration.
Memorization also takes place while you sleep.
So this advice is strictly associated with the previous one.
4. Remember About Eating And Drinking
It maybe difficult when you are at school or at university, but you should eat small amount of food every 3 hours if you want your body to work well.
As it comes to drinking, many people recommend everyone to drink at least 2 litres of water everyday. Truth to tell, this amount is slightly overboard.
Instead of drinking at least 2 litres, you should rather drink 300 ml per every 10 kgs of your body weight.
During my research for this article, I discovered even more complex formula for calculating how much water you should drink everyday.
5. Do Some Exercises
In order to make your mind more effective, you cannot just sit and learn. It’s essential to do some physical activity – at least 20-30 minutes every day.
Your activity does not have to be extremely tiring. Some sit-ups, push-ups, and 15-20 minutes of walking are much better than the lack of activity. It will help you breathe in some fresh air and improve your blood circulation.
6. Learn Information In Multiple Ways
I’m sure you’ve heard in the past that there are people who learn the best using their sense of hearing. The other ones get the best results watching videos or animations. There is also the third group of people who usually learn just reading a text.
If you want to maximize your learning process results, you should use all these 3 ways of learning. Even if one of them works the best for you, it doesn’t mean that the other two do not work at all.
7. Try To Connect The New Knowledge With Something You Already Know
In order to learn any new information fast, you should have an anchor point in your mind. On other words, if you are able to connect the new information with something you already know, you’ll be able to recall it faster anytime in the future.
8. Study More Than One Or Two Subjects A Day
Every graduate of any school and university knows that there are no days at school filled up with just one or two subjects. Each schedule is planned not to exceed 2-3 hours of one subject in a row.
As you could read earlier in this post, it’s much better to study anything for 15 days one hour a day than spend one or two whole days trying to cram everything in such short period of time.
Therefore, you can learn something new a few times a day with breaks between learning sessions, but you will get the best results if you spread that new knowledge over 5, 10 or 15 days.
9. Avoid Physical Distractions
No matter what you think about it, distractions have a negative effect on the learning process. Obviously, you can take a break between learning sessions and browse through your feed on Facebook or Instagram, but remember that effective students focus on just one thing at a time.
If you try to learn something while your radio or TV set are turned on, you will probably waste your time.
So you should remember to get rid of all the distractions from your room and your effectiveness will climb up.
10. Get Rid Of Stress And Clear Your Mind
If you read this article, there’s a chance that you’ve experienced stress and anxiety in your life. As you already know, it is really hard to focus and learn anything new if you are constantly depressed or irritated.
In order to improve the capabilities of your mind, you need to learn how to deal with stress and how to clear your mind.
11. Read Out Loud
As this study shows, reading out loud any information helps to memorize it better than reading it silently.
When you read something aloud, you both see and hear it. If you read it silently (only in your mind), you can only see it.
12. Teach Other People What You’ve Just Learned
If you teach others what you have learnt, you repeat that knowledge naturally. By frequent repetitions, you can learn anything faster as you’ve read before.
13. Try To Improve Your Memory
I’m almost sure that this advice is quite obvious for everyone, but you should try to improve your memory. The better memory you have, you faster you’ll be able to learn anything.
It’s as simple as that!
14. Eat Healthy Food And Avoid Sugar
Healthy diet is a very important factor of increasing memory power. And the result is quite obvious – if you increase your memory power, you’ll be able to memorize everything faster.