How to Keep Your Relationship Strong After the Honeymoon Phase Ends
Originally posted on https://littlechurchofthewest.com/honeymoon-phase/
In the 1980s, there were about 2.5 million marriages officiated.
After you’ve been married a while, a relationship can start to feel dull and bland, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.
It may seem like the honeymoon phase is over. How do you keep your relationship strong? Read on to find out.
Be Friends First
One essential thing to making your honeymoon phase last is making sure that you have a good friendship as a foundation for your relationship.
Newer couples can get swept up in the romance of the engagement and the wedding that they forget to have a healthy friendship too. Make sure that you set aside time during the week to talk with them and actually have a conversation with your significant other.
You should also make sure that you talk to them too. Put the phones away for a little bit and have a conversation; tell them stories about your week and listen to their problems.
Treat them to the same effort you put into any friendship, maybe even more.
Go On Another First Date
Remember your first date?
Go on another one.
When people get into long term relationships, they tend to stop putting in all the effort we did at the beginning of the relationship.
However, this is one way the honeymoon phase doesn’t last. Go out to where you had your first date (or a new place) and try to rekindle some of that romance that you found when you first started dating.
Gain a New Perspective
Sometimes it can feel like the honeymoon has ended because you may be having doubts about whether or not you should be dating that person.
If there are problems in a relationship, it’s good to address them. You could talk to a trusted friend and ask them for some advice or help with the relationship.
If you feel like you need professional help, a lot of people go to couples counseling as well.
Try New Things
Sometimes in a relationship, you get stuck in a routine. You go to the same restaurants or do all of the same things.
You and your significant other could rekindle your romance by trying something new.
It could be anything, really, as long as it’s something you both haven’t done together yet. Doing something like that can offer a breath of fresh air for your relationship, and you may even learn something new about each other.
Focus on Intimacy
A lot of the time, couples focus solely on sex as the intimacy in their relationship. But this can cause a relationship to go dry very quickly.
Instead, try thinking about intimacy in other ways. It could be spending some time alone together or doing any other activity that brings you two closer together. It could even involve emotional intimacy.
Keep the Honeymoon Phase Going Strong
Just because it feels like the honeymoon phase has ended doesn’t mean that the relationship is over.
Putting in work and effort into a relationship is essential to making one work.
If you found someone you want to put in the work for, contact us to start planning your wedding today!