How to Get the Most Money for Junk Cars
Originally posted on https://cashjunkcar.com/blog/how-to-get-the-most-money-for-junk-cars/
Getting ready to sell a junk car?
Want to get the most money for your vehicle?
If you own a car that has seen better days, you may be looking for options to get rid of it. Selling your car to a junkyard to be recycled for scrap can be a great option, but if you want to walk away with as much money as possible, you need to proceed with caution.
If you have a junk car to sell, you need to know a few special tips and tricks if you want to get the most money from it.
Luckily, we’re here to help. Below we’ll tell you how you can get the most money for junk cars.
1. Know Your Vehicle
The first thing you’ll want to do when selling a junk car is to assess its value. Some cars are worse off than others.
Keep in mind that a car that can still run, if only poorly, will get a lot more than a car that isn’t running at all. If your car won’t run at all, try to understand exactly what is wrong with it and what its condition is. Potential buyers will likely ask what the problem is, and you may be able to get more money for your vehicle if you have an answer for them.
If your car is totaled, you’ll also want to assess the damage. Be sure that you examine your car thoroughly and know what you’re dealing with. Find out whether the parts in your car are damaged or if some of them are still in great condition.
By examing your vehicle thoroughly, you’ll have a much easier time considering your options and getting the most money for it in the end.
2. Research the Market
Once you have an idea of your vehicle’s condition, you’ll also want to compare it with other vehicles on the market.
Check the Kelly Blue Book Value of your car to get an idea of its value. Also, check classified ads for cars that are similar to yours that are being sold in your area and see what price they’re selling for. Read about your vehicle model online and find out everything you can about it.
Doing these things can help give you an idea of what your car may be worth. By comparing your car with others out there and by reading about your car online, you’ll have a better idea of what you may be able to sell yours for.
3. Consider Finding a Private Buyer
If your car isn’t running or if it’s totaled, selling it to a junkyard is often the best choice. However, if your vehicle is still running well enough you may want to simply look for a buyer before selling your car for parts or scrap.
Many people will be happy to buy an ugly, old, used car that’s still running. Consider using classifieds or a site such as Craigslist to list your vehicle for sale.
In some cases, you may also be able to find a buyer even if your car isn’t running anymore. If you have an older vehicle model that is considered a classic or is in high demand for some reason, you may be able to find a buyer for it. Some buyers may want to pay a reasonable sum to get your vehicle model with the hopes of restoring it.
4. Sell Valuable Car Parts
If you’re planning on selling your car to a junkyard, you’ll probably want to sell some car parts separately. This is especially a good choice if your car isn’t in running condition anyway.
You’ll usually be able to get a lot more money if you sell certain parts individually rather than leaving them in your vehicle when you sell it to a junkyard. If you’re not knowledgable about cars, you may need to do a lot of research online to discover which car parts may be worth selling.
Often, it will be a good idea to sell the car battery instead of leaving it inside your vehicle, particularly if the battery is brand new. You may also want to consider selling the tires, especially if there is a lot of tread on them. Wheels, rims, fenders, and car doors can all be worth selling as well.
5. Check the Interior for Items to Sell
In addition to items under your hood, don’t forget that there may be some items worth selling inside your vehicle as well. Items in the interior that could be sold include the car radio, CD player and speakers. If your car has a built-in GPS system that works, it can also be a great item to sell.
You should also make sure you didn’t leave anything of value in your vehicles such as CDs, personal belongings, or even coins. Be sure that you’ve removed all of your personal belongings from the vehicle before selling it to a junkyard or to a private buyer.
5. Compare Your Selling Options
If you’ve made the decision to sell your vehicle to a junkyard, be sure that you compare your options. There are a few things you’ll want to ask a junk car company or junkyard before taking your car in.
Speak to a few different junkyards on the phone before you sell your car. You’ll want to ask each junkyard if they can give you an estimate for your vehicle beforehand and choose the one that will pay you the most. A junkyard will often be able to give you an idea of how much they’ll be able to pay based on the model of your vehicle and its condition.
Additionally, you’ll also want to ask each company how much they’ll charge to pick up the vehicle themselves.
6. Spend Less Money On It
In addition to making money when selling your vehicle, be sure you’re not spending any more money on it than you have to.
In some cases, making a small repair to a junk car could help improve its value, but don’t go overboard. If you find yourself spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to repair a junk car, it’s probably not worth it.
Also, remember that time is money too. If you spend a lot of time and effort parting out your car, it may not be worth your effort.
In both of these cases, it may be worth taking your vehicle to a junkyard where you can sell it quickly and easily instead.
7. Deliver it to a Junkyard Yourself
If you decide that selling your car to a junkyard or salvage company is the best option, you can usually make a little more money on it if you’re able to deliver it to them yourself.
This may be hard to do if your car doesn’t run or if you’ve sold the tires and other parts for scrap, but if your car still runs, this is usually the better option. If your car still runs, you’ll want to carefully weigh out the pros and cons of selling your car parts beforehand versus taking your car into a junkyard as-is.
Be sure that you speak to any scrap company beforehand to ask them how much they’ll charge for picking up your vehicle.
Getting the Most Money For Junk Cars
While selling a junk car is a very easy process, it can take a bit more effort if you want to get the maximum amount of money from it. However, by using these tips you’ll be able to get the most money for junk cars.
Need more help selling your junk car? Click here to see our top 10 tips for selling a car to a junkyard.