Teachers today have more options than ever before when it comes to classroom supplies and equipment. Particularly concerning multimedia resources and new technologies for the classroom.
But technology is also a panacea. In other words, it’s no fix-all when it comes to educational resources. Instead, integrate it into the learning experience with care.
The right strategies can help you take the struggle out of selecting classroom supplies for your students. Read on for tips on finding the right equipment to enhance your students’ learning experiences.
Using Textbooks in the Classroom
Textbooks were once standard in the educational environment. But now they fight for supremacy with digitized materials.
That said, it’s a mistake to assume kids no longer need any print materials. Textbooks still come with advantages. They’re highly portable and can be accessed anywhere—even when there’s no Wi-Fi for miles.
And you never have to worry about charging them.
Digital Versus Print Materials
A growing body of research also suggests that students retain more information from print materials than digital ones.
Although still controversial, studies from Norway point to some interesting conclusions. Students there score highest on post-reading questions after engaging with print materials.
Why? Some researchers believe it all comes down to spatiotemporal markers.
With print materials, you can flip back to a previous chapter if you’ve forgotten the name of a character. Or, how part of their initial backstory went. With e-books, however, this proves problematic.
Of course, in a perfect world, you have access to both print and digital materials. Many textbooks now include online resources, too.
Augmented textbooks represent an excellent way to get the best of both worlds. They also allow you to appeal to students with different learning styles.
Internet Applications at School
The internet is a remarkable educational resource. Especially when it comes to free public access to documents in electronic form. Many teachers now use applications such as Google Docs.
These applications allow them to post educational resources for students online, including:
- Reference materials
- Assigned readings
- Test study guides
- Lecture outlines
Many teachers now choose to have a classroom web page or site. Classroom web pages allow teachers to consolidate everything in one central location.
Besides disseminating classroom information, students also research on the World Wide Web. This research helps them prepare for papers and research projects. Many libraries now offer excellent online resources to support these activities, too.
Of course, there are also perils associated with online research. These perils include visiting websites with inaccurate information. Or, those with a slanted agenda. Students often fail to grasp which websites are authoritative.
That’s why internet use in the classroom comes with a caveat. Clearly explain to your students what you will and won’t accept in terms of research sources and sites.
Interactive Computer Software
Interactive computer software represents another area with educational applications. Software packages offer personalized instruction and can accommodate a variety of learning styles.
This software can also increase retention. How? Through participation and enhanced engagement with learning materials.
And students can also experiment without feeling embarrassed or intimidated about learning outcomes. As a result, they tend to progress faster.
Many students also appreciate the privacy inherent in interactive computer software. After all, these are customized, one-on-one interactions.
Of course, this is just the beginning when it comes to learning resources.
You also need to consider teacher clarity. How? By clarifying what students need to learn and then planning your lessons and activities logically around these objectives.
Classroom Supplies and Their Impact on Your Students
Today’s instructors must draw from a wide variety of different resources when lesson planning. These educational options both complement and complicate the lesson planning process.
Keep the concepts above in mind, and classroom supplies integration will be a breeze.
Interested in more information to help you excel in the classroom? Browse our blog for tips to boost your students’ success.